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Crisis Intervention/Safety Planning

Week 9 Assignments 


Crisis Intervention/Safety Planning


1. What is a Crisis? 

2. What is the difference between a life threatening and non-life threatening crisis? 

3. What should you do if a client is in a non-life threatening crisis? 

4. What should you do if a client is in a life-threatening crisis? 

5. Identify 3 Interventions that can be utilized when responding to a crisis? 

6. Research Maryland Mental Health Resources

a. List the various types of resources that are offered by the state of Maryland (i.e. hotlines). Be specific and if there is a number or website include it in your details. 


Client Population: 


As we know, our client population and geographic areas in which we provide services are majority Hispanic/Latino(a). It is imperative to understand the populations we serve. It is also very important to remember the various factors that impact the population that we serve. With that being said: 


1. Conduct research on the Hispanic/Latino(a) population in Prince Georges County Cities such as Hyattsville, Langley Park, and Riverdale. 

2. Choose an article to review and summarize. 

3. Be sure that article focuses on factors such as immigration, deportation, being undocumented, and the impact of being a second generation American/Latino(a). 

4. Review should be 2 pages at the least, including a summary and key points. 


Always remember, demographics of a population matters THE MOST! Especially, as it pertains to risk and safety! 


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