05 Dec Describe your experience building a program using Scratch
Order Instructions
I created a jumping game through scratch: penguin jumping over two sharks when you press the spacebar. I used approximately 30 tiles to conduct the assignment.
this assignment, you will explore the logic of computational thinking with a simple drag-and-drop, block programming language called Scratch. Create a short program of your own with Scratch (Links to an external site.), adding motion, looks, sound, and control options, among others. Your program should include at least 30 blocks.
In your written reflection paper,
Describe your experience building a program using Scratch.
Identify the difficulties that you encountered in Scratch.
Explain how you overcame the difficulties.
Describe the insights that you gained about programming from this exercise.
Compare your experience programming in Scratch with the participation activities in Sections 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 of the textbook that explored machine language, assembly language, and high-level languages, such as Python.
Describe the differences between the programming languages.
Identify which language you found easiest to use.
Describe scenarios where each type of programming language would be most effective.
Explain which programming language you think is the most popular and why.