17 Feb Implement an attack from Kali Linux to target Ubuntu
Order Instructions
In this lab, you will use the Suricata software to perform network vulnerability scans.
Complete the following:
Download the Suricata software and configure it on Ubuntu.
Implement an attack from Kali Linux to target Ubuntu.
You can research how to use Metasploit installed in the Kali Linux to start an attack. You can also use nmap to do DOS scan. It does not have to be really advanced attacks. Just research some basics and implement any attack you can do.
Provide screenshots of the intrusion detection logs.
Part 2
Write a 250-500-word lab report and address the following:
Summarize the issues encountered, lesson learned, and the successes in a bullet point format.
Describe the screenshots provided.
Analyze and decipher network traffic, identify anomalous or malicious activity, and provide a summary of the effects on the system.
Describe an incident response that could address the specific attack.
Support your lab with 1-2 resources.