08 Dec Foucault makes the case that the disciplinary economy of pow
Write a two-page (double spaced, Times New Roman Size 12) response to one of the following questions. Feel free to simply save this document and write your response below the question you choose to answer. The header and directions will not count against your two-page limit. Cite the week’s readings at least twice in your answer.
- Foucault makes the case that the disciplinary economy of power focuses more on the soul/mind than the body. Give an example of a disciplinary method that demonstrates this focus.
- Is criminality necessary under a sovereign economy of power? Why?
- What is a panopticon? Give an example from your daily life and explain how it conditions your behavior.
reference books
Discipline & Punish
Michel FoucaultVintage Books (April 25, 1995)ISBN-10 0679752552ISBN-13 978-0679752554
The Human Condition
Hannah, ArendtThe University of Chicago Press; 2nd edition (December 1, 1998)ISBN-10 0226025985ISBN-13 9780226025988
Political Liberalism
John RawlsColumbia University Press; Expanded edition (March 24, 2005)ISBN-10 0231130899ISBN-13 9780231130899
Bodies That Matter
Judith ButlerRoutledge; 1st edition (May 13, 2011)ISBN-10 041561015XISBN-13 978-0415610155