23 Feb What is the issue being addressed? What is the purpose of the work? Who are the stakeholders involved? What additional stakeholders might be helpful or might benefit from the project? Discus
It is recommended that you read the information embedded in chapter 12 to help answer case study questions.
Read the cases of the following question from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials:
Case Study #1: “Boot Camp Translation: A Method for Building a Community of Solution in Rural Colorado”
Reference is as follows:
Norman, C., Bennett, C., Cowart, S., Felzien, M., Flores, M., Flores, R., Haynes, C., Hernandez, M., Rodriquez, M. P., Sanchez, N., Sanchez, S., Winkelman, K., Winkelman, S., Zittleman, L., & Westfall, J. M. (2013). Boot camp translation: A method for building a community of solution in rural Colorado?. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 254-263. https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2013.03.120253
Case Study #2: A Primary Care – Public Health Partnership Addressing Homelessness, Serious Mental Illness, and Health Disparities”
Reference is as follows:
Weinstein, L. C., LaNoue, M. D., Plumb, J. D., King, H., Stein, B., & Tsemberis, S. (2013). A primary care Public health partnership addressing homelessness, serious mental illness, and health disparities?. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26, 279-287. https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2013.03.120239
The case study discussion questions associated with this assignment can be located in Chapter 12 of our course textbook on pages 295-296 (Questions 1-7).
Appropriate APA, 7th Edition standards including in-text citations and corresponding references are also required.
For cases 1 and 2, answer the following questions:
What is the issue being addressed?
What is the purpose of the work?
Who are the stakeholders involved?
What additional stakeholders might be helpful or might benefit from the project?
Discuss a limitation that was encountered while doing the work.
Describe the current state of the work.
How does the project illustrate the PHM concepts discussed in this chapter?
Requirements: At least 1 to 2 pages