08 Mar Milankovitch Cycles – Explain the Milankovitch cycles
CSULA Milankovitch cycles Questions
#8 Explain the Milankovitch cycles and their possible link to climate change.
#18 Explain the greenhouse effect, the concepts of “forcing” and “feedback,” and list those gases that are contributors to the greenhouse effect in Earth’s atmosphere.
#21 How have carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere changed? What has caused this change? How are prehistoric CO2 levels in the atmosphere measured to compare to today? Why is CO2 important to climate? What tools do scientists use to predict what might occur as CO2 levels increase?
#22 How has the Earth’s climate changed over the last 65 million years? In your answer, be sure to note the overall trend and also to note at least two significant dates/climatic events.
#23 What happened during the “Younger Dryas” stadial? (What happened, when did it occur, how quickly did it happen, and how long did it last?)
#24 Briefly summarize what the Los Angeles area was like during the height of the last glacial period, 50,000 years ago, to its end about 11,000 years ago. Make sure to discuss what the climate was like, what kind of plants and animals lived here, and what happened to the climate, sea level, and the ecosystem around 11,000 years ago.