What is your go-to resource for weather information? This could be an app, website, social media page, TV channel, TV program, youtube channel, or other source. Describe your go- EssayAbode

What is your go-to resource for weather information? This could be an app, website, social media page, TV channel, TV program, youtube channel, or other source. Describe your go-

What is your go-to resource for weather information?

This could be an app, website, social media page, TV channel, TV program, youtube channel, or other source. Describe your go-to weather information resource and why you have come to rely on it. Then, walk through how you imagine that resource gets their weather information and processes it into a forecast or analysis. Keep in mind the steps for a weather analysis and weather forecast and the basic types of weather observations.

It’s not important to be correct, but I’ll be looking for you to think through what would be necessary if you were starting a weather app, page, channel, etc.

It’s also not important to be wordy. Keep posts to 3-4 paragraphs at most

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