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What are the two rationales for punishment of crime? What makes punishment of crime effective?

This is a two part assignment for introduction to public policy .

This is a two part assignment for introduction to public policy .

Part 1

Answer one essay question from the list provided i n atleast 600 words. Take care to address each component of the exam question. Draw appropriately from the text book literature and be sure to provide references to all original sources (e.g., book, chapter, or journal article) for any statement that refers to ideas, words, or research findings of another person. Use appropriate headings and subheadings throughout the paper. Write clear and grammatically correct sentences, and logical paragraphs. Use the rubric attached as a guideline.

The total amount of points for this essay is 50.

This assignment counts towards 25% of your final grade.

Essay Questions:

What are the two rationales for punishment of crime? What makes punishment of crime effective? (Chapter 6)

Discuss why would factors such as race, gender or socioeconomic status affect the rate of death penalty sentencing or incarceration rates? (Chapter 6)

Discuss the pros and cons of treating juvenile defendants as adults in criminal cases. (Chapter 6)

Summarize the conservative and liberal/progressive analyses of the causes of poverty. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of each analysis? (Chapter 7)

Why do stereotypes and negative opinion of public assistance programs and its participants persist despite proven success

Part 2

For this assignment, you will view and analyze a feature film dealing with cultural differences. You will need to select a feature full-length film that is set in a culture that is different from yours or that illuminates cross-cultural conflicts. In your paper, you talk about differences in the dominant and immigrant cultures and discuss how cultural/ religious beliefs reflect on environmental and sociocultural demands placed on immigrant families’ youth. Support your observations and understanding of cultural/ racial stereotypes with empirical findings from class readings/ cross-cultural research.Joy Luck ClubCocoMississippi BurningAtanarjuat: The Fast RunnerTicket to JerusalemCity of GodMy Best Friend Anne FrankMotorcycle DiariesBaariaTurning RedSlumdog MillionaireBabelEncantoDaughter from DanangThe Secret of the GrainMy Big Fat Greek WeddingThe Color of ParadiseWalkoutAjamiCampStand and DeliverMoanaBend it Like BeckhamRaya and Last DragonAngel on the RightHotel RwandaPonyoSeven Years in Tibet

Requirements: its in the reading

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