Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Based on the findings of your feasibility study, you will create a professional quality presentation that will communicate and expand on your recommendations to decision makers in the or - EssayAbode

Based on the findings of your feasibility study, you will create a professional quality presentation that will communicate and expand on your recommendations to decision makers in the or

the topic for this is having LIV golf have a tournamentMalaysia in the Maylaisa market I have included several examples including my component 1 for you to use this is a PowerPoint with speaker notes

Use the provided Component 1( I have attached it) to help you the subject is LIV GOLF playing in the Maylaisa market

Capstone Component 2: Recommendation Presentation Based on the findings of your feasibility study, you will create a professional quality presentation that will communicate and expand on your recommendations to decision makers in the organization considering the project. This presentation must look into potential change management, organizational changes, and other strategies that will need to take place if the company is going to take on the large-scale organizational project. The following are some aspects to consider, but you may want to explore additional points based on your topic:

· Detailed recommendations from the feasibility study

· Potential issues that may arise

· Management and leadership strategies that should be employed

· Change management strategies

· Marketing

· Public relations, including sustainability and ethical considerations

Your recommendations will be presented in PowerPoint slides, including speaker notes.

Your recommendation presentation should consist of 10–15 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes (i.e., a transcript of what you would say). Your presentation must demonstrate professional quality design.



Capstone Component 1: Feasibility Study

Lea Maxwell

Southern New Hampshire University

SPT 700: Sport Management Capstone

Mr. Michael Newhouse-Bailey

January 8, 2023


I. Proposed Project Description

Overview of Selected Organization

For this project the chosen organization is National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL).

“The National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) is a twelve-team Division-I women’s

professional soccer league featuring national team players from around the world” (n.d.). The

National Women's Soccer League is one that has not been around for very long but has made an

impact at the way women sports specifically soccer are looked at. Their mission is "We, the

players of the NWSL, vow to build on the opportunity that has been afforded to us, as well as

work to achieve these goals that have not yet been attained. We honor the vision and progress of

those who came before us… Pledge to work with the League and Allocated Players to advance

continued improvements in women's soccer… Commit ourselves to doing all in our power for the

betterment of our members so that we may best contribute to the common goal: a world-class

product on the field, and to be role models and inspire the next generation off the field" (2019).

The vision of the NWSL is to help women achieve their goals of participating in the game of

soccer at the higher level of competition but to also be the best overall person they can as well.

Even though they are a young organization they are ones that have really made an impact

recently. With the new cba that they have announced they women’s soccer organization is really

starting to grow and get the attention it has been lacking for so long. The way that the sport has

been growing and the popularity it has been getting for women is incredible. The fact is soccer or

football as it is known in other parts of the world is the top sport in many places like Europe,

South America, Africa, and some major parts of Asia. Taking the fact that they love the sport

already but showcasing that women’s soccer is also important.

Projected Market


The market that the NWSL will expand to is the African market. This market is a great

opportunity as it already well established in popularity of soccer. They do already have some

women’s teams out there but on a very small scale and only on the national stage to increase that

by having the addition of NWSL to help increase the women’s side of the game. Men’s soccer is

extremely popular in Africa but showcasing the women and how well they play as well and the

record-breaking attendance for recent women’s games in Africa this would be a great place to

start the expansion of NWSL. The intention of bringing more women’s sports to light, to add to

the expansion of a women’s soccer league and hopefully more with it. “Woman’s football is on a

growth trajectory unlike any other sport in this world. It’s biggest growth opportunity that FIFA

as an organization have today but more importantly, our sport, football, has today. It’s the biggest

growth opportunity there is. And you don’t have to look too far back to see the indicators of that

growth” (Peterson, 2022). Programs that have seen development for women’s sports is fantastic

and to see it continue to grow to other parts of the world is great for girls and women all over.

Project Description

The project will encompass all past knowledge that was gained in previous courses and to

create a plan to expand the NWSL internationally. This project will encompass three main

components. The first component is the feasibility study. The study will look at the organization

itself, also analyze the market/competitiveness, have an executive summary, and look at the

recommendations. The second component will be a recommendation presentation, this will aid in

to help communicate what is needed to be considered for this opportunity. The third and final

component will be a personal reflection. As in any research there are issues or flaws that could

appear due to the possible expansion.


This proposed project is to put into place a successful expansion of the NWSL and to

showcase its program internationally. A goal of this project is to not only to build on the sport but

to also showcase the importance of women sports. Another goal at one point would be to have

these international locations be hosts to some NWSL games. This would allow fans from all over

be able to attend games for teams they might never had the chance in person. Other sports can be

considered as well to introduce such as basketball to help encourage girls and women to play

sports they are passionate about. It will be required for NWSL staff working internationally to

work closely together with their local partners. A high priority will be the communication to help

expand the organization to the best of its ability. A major goal should make sure that what is

being delivered is to include the international countries to be successful more than any other

sport programs on this nature. A high satisfaction and approval rate for the expansion is going to

be important to help reach other cities and countries. Soccer is already a well-received sport but

to showcase that women’s soccer is also just as entertaining, this is needed to show and impact

the sport even more.

II. Executive Summary

Women’s soccer has been thorough quite a bit in its history. “Women’s soccer has roots

back to the 1800s in the United Kingdom. A match drew over 50,000 spectators in the 1920s,

which was considered the “first golden age” of women’s soccer” (Lewis, 2022). There was a lot

of draw with women’s soccer and it had a great start unfortunately though it was too good to last.

“In 1921, the Football Association of England (the FA) banned women from playing soccer and

having access to club facilities. They deemed that the game was ‘unsuitable for females’ and

‘should not be encouraged.’ The ban completely crushed women’s soccer. It took an astonishing

50 years for the ban to finally be lifted” (Lewis, 2022). This was unfortunate that it prohibited


females from playing a fun game. There was lot of hard work to get the ban lifted and they did

succeed. “Since the ban ended, women’s soccer has continued to grow exponentially. There are

currently 29 million women and girls playing soccer worldwide, with this number set to increase.

Globally, there are 176 national teams and several women’s professional leagues that continue to

strengthen” (Lewis, 2022). In the U.S. it was a bit slower for them to join the professional league

compared to the rest of the world. Even though they started a little later they have taken flight.

“In 1950 and 1951, four teams played in the Craig Club Girls Soccer League, the first organized

women’s soccer league in the United States. Players ranged in age from 16 to 22. As a result of

Title IX legislation passed in 1972, (a law that passed one year after the English Football

Association lifted the ban on women’s soccer) gender equality became mandatory in education,

including collegiate athletics, leading to the establishment of more organized women’s soccer

teams” (Lewis, 2022). In the U.S. “The NWSL was established in 2012 as the successor

to Women's Professional Soccer (2007–2012), which was itself the successor to Women's United

Soccer Association (2001–2003)” (2021). Women’s soccer has worked hard to be what is today

and they have built some great programs and with the expansion of the sport globally especially

for the women’s side of the game with building more youth programs, engaging more fans and

interacting with the local communities the expansion of women’s soccer is growing very quick.

This paper will discuss and highlight the possible plus the continued expansion of

women’s soccer with a focus in youth women’s soccer in Africa. Creating offices in

Johannesburg and Accura where many of major games are played and high traffic for such events

to take place would be great place for the organization to take roots. With the local schools they

have in the areas to assist in getting youth girl programs to start and expand from these areas and

work with these girls into professional teams. In this document it will discuss the technical


feasibility, economic feasibility, and market feasibility of this program. With the increase of

women’s soccer players and programs around the world and soccer being the top sport in the

county the increase of revenue its generating, the probability for expansion in the future has a

high potential. The success of NWSL has improved already and the expansions they have already

put in place is proof that the women’s game of soccer can be just as successful as men, and that

the game will continue to grow globally and have the positive impacts it already is for the future


III. Market Feasibility

Current Market

The current soccer industry is doing well on the financial front, especially on the

women’s side. On a national scale the women’s soccer leagues have been selling out stadiums in

a game earlier this year between Barcelona and Real Madrid broke the record for how many fans

attended the game. There was 91,553 in that stadium, which edged out the 1999 World Cup Final

of U.S. versus China which had 90,185. This has been a trend of games growing and people

wanting to attend. In a recent matchup between England vs U.S. in England was sold out in 24

hours. “U.S. women’s soccer games have generated more revenue than U.S. men’s games over

the past three years. That’s according to audited financial statements from the U.S. Soccer

Federation (USSF) obtained by The Wall Street Journal. In 2016, women’s games generated $1.9

million more in revenue than men’s games. From 2016 to 2018, women’s games generated

approximately $50.8 million in revenue, compared with $49.9 million for men’s games” (Hess,

2019). Based on these numbers of women soccer they have been excelling for years and have a

great chance to expand and build the brand and programs in international countries.


There has been some great growth of the sport industry even in the popularity of women

sports. The NWSL took on many challenges and with the recent pandemic the league was one of

the first to return to play and not only did they return but they were one and great results, a new

winner, no cases of the virus, and more viewership than ever seen before for the league. With

some great success like this and facing some hard challenges, them going internationally will

help continue to boost the fans and increase viewership. There would be plenty of funding and

money to help support the country and this also helps creates more job opportunities for people.

“The NWSL struck a reported $4.5 million, three-year media rights deal with CBS in 2020 — a

huge jump from its early days on YouTube, which only brought in a few thousand viewers. With

the league’s next set of rights up for grabs in 2023, NWSL commissioner Jessica Berman said

she expects significant growth” (Gentrup, 2022). With the NWSL doing well for itself and going

to other countries that already have a strong base with the sport there is great potential for it to

continue to grow. The competition that the NWSL will see is the fact that men’s soccer is already

so big that it might take some serious marketing for them to draw the crowd back in for women.

They also might start small as there could not be as many women willing to play the sport in that

country to start. Sports seem to be the main entertainment in the country that hopefully with the

growth that women sports are starting to see it will not be a huge obstacle to overcome. If they

start with not only the professional leagues but also have high school and college women’s

games help build that interest. This could be some great stepping stones for the organization to

excel in another country and see the ways in which expanding the organization could really reach

many parts of the world.



The market in women’s soccer is not one that is extremely competitive, in Africa there

are though a few programs already that empower women and girls to play the sport of soccer. A

program that already established in Africa and other places in the world is Women and Girls in

Soccer (WAGS). This program is one that “supports the University of Lynchburg Women’s

Soccer Program, their WOW (Women of Worth) program, and the work their partner, Sports

Outreach, does to empower women and girls in Africa” (2021). This program though is one that

offers not just an impact with soccer they also work to help with giving opportunities with

computer skills and basic life skills. The offer to better their quality of life and give them so

many opportunities. This would be a great partner for the NWSL to look at as they offer soccer

skills, but it is a great selling point for them. It allows athletes to not only learn more skills to

allow them to have the best life but also learn from some great players some great skills in

soccer. “They are looking at different ways to have soccer continue to have an impactful role in

changing the girls and women’s lives” (2021). This aligns with the NWSL and what they want to

do is empower girls and women to be the best they can be and develop athletes at every stage.

The NWSL has a competitive edge as there will be programs in multiple cities in Africa.

Market Potential and Trends

As the popularity of women’s sports continues to grow the need to form programs for

girls and women is needed. The potential to market soccer and reference the cultural and creative

ecosystem is great. “Soccer is not only the preeminent sport on the African continent but is the

single greatest cultural unifier. Nothing else unites people from Ras ben Sakka in Tunisia to the

Cape of Good Hope in South Africa like the round ball” (Ajoku & Demisse, 2022). Africa

already loves the game of soccer, and there are so many like in Nigeria alone there are over 200

million who are already well versed in the game but also who make sure that women and girls


are involved as well. About half of Nigeria population is women and getting them involved

“there are still opportunities to make even more significant inroads, spurring economic activity

through bolder linkages with local communities. Increased connections between soccer and the

cultural and creative economy, which includes entertainment, the culinary world, fashion, the

visual and performing arts, and tourism, will make the already dominant sport even more

dynamic” (Ajoku & Demisse, 2022). NWSL has a great opportunity to participate with the

African culture as promotion of the sport for women and they could see some great opportunities

to capitalize on. Earlier in 2022, “the Festival of African Culture (FESTAC) event in Zanzibar

also included a beach soccer event as part of efforts to promote ‘African culture, values, and

civilization’” (Ajoku & Demisse, 2022). Events such as this provides excellent opportunities for

people to not only engage in the sport but have the culture inspire it as well. Using social media

platforms/ streaming and even broadcasting to show case these would bring the sport on the

upwards trend for women. This would allow the NWSL to maximize it and see a rise in revenue

to assist and enhance their programs.

IV. Technical Feasibility

Soccer is a very well-known sport and the women’s sport has been growing very much in

the last few years. The popularity internationally has been growing especially with the

international friendlies that women have been playing. “Woman’s football is on a growth

trajectory unlike any other sport in this world. It’s the biggest growth opportunity that FIFA as an

organization have today but more importantly, our sport, football, has today. It’s the biggest

growth opportunity there is. And you don’t have to look too far back to see the indicators of

growth” (Peterson, 2022). They have seen some great things in women’s sports and soccer seems


to be the one that is showcasing the growth in great atmosphere. This can continue to grow in

Africa as they have seen the sport grow. “The upcoming Women’s World Cup reflects the growth

in the game with an expanded field of 32 teams, up from 24 at the last two tournaments. That has

paved the way for first time participants including Morocco, Philippines, Ireland, Vietnam, and

Zambia” (Peterson, 2022). The fact is Africa has some great opportunities and so many talents

they can pull from. Since there is also a huge knowledge and following of the sport already there

is great potential to grow the organization and women sports.

The NWSL would have to help create partnerships with organizations to support the

development of young soccer players the target market. “If you invest in the girl, you indirectly

invest in her society as the education she takes in, increased earnings and human development of

teenage girls have been known to have a significant impact on their families, and of course their

societies at large. When the community sees the girls achieve magnificently in sport, they often

tend to recognize their potential to achieve in other domains” (Chinaza, 2021). Football (soccer)

is the main sport in that country and with the growth of the popularity and demand for women’s

sports. Partnerships can help fund the programs in Africa. It could also allow more media outlets

to gain some viewership deals that allow the population to watch games in real time or at a later

time. These deals could also lead to a city hosting games or small tournament like the

SheBelieves Cup style or a Championship tournament of sorts. The NWSL core competencies all

work together to produce content and opportunities to include fans from all over the globe. As to

work to expand into the Africa market with more women’s teams and youth programs. The

NWSL has been doing great to expand its program here in the US and to take to a country that

the sport is the top watched but to help showcase the women side of the game. They have done

well to showcase the importance of women’s soccer and drawn many players to their programs


and to offer that program in other countries would be great for so many more. The goal is to

engage with current and new fans by creating community teams and programs. One way they

bring awareness to it is by posting videos of their current efforts online and explain how they are

bringing new ideas in that country into fruition. If they start building the connections in Africa to

help gain sponsorships and programs for youth players like the already established in Africa is

Women and Girls in Soccer (WAGS). Programs such as this helps allow the NWSL to expand

their programs all over in Africa. Having partners such as this will be beneficial to have coaches

for both cities in Africa and bringing coaching staff that have worked with the NWSL present

and past to help develop the program and teach people in Africa to continue and expand the

youths’ programs.

V. Financial/Economic Feasibility

Capital Requirements

For the expansion there are capital costs that will have to be added to what is already

established, when the NWSL arrive in Africa. There needs to be office space located in a city

something major like Johannesburg or even Accura. Johannesburg and Accura are major cities in

which many people go to for the game. Since the rental value per square feet per month in South

African Rands is 16,372 which equates to $927.85 USD (n.d.). Africa does have some of the

lowest prices around and cost of living is fairly affordable. Based on the cost of interscholastic

sports, and the fact that soccer equipment is one of the less expensive of most sports, the average

cost can range anywhere from $10 and above per athlete depending on brand, equipment, and

price point. If a program has around 100-200 kids, the total amount for equipment would range

from $1000-$2000 per program. To construct and maintain a field would cost anywhere between

$40,000-$100,000. There will be variables that will change depending on what is actual needed


for the programs and learning how to play the sport. Depending on how demanding the programs

will be there could be need for more fields. Depending on the demand of girls wanting to play

and considering that the female population in the area is large and it would take time for people

to learn about the programs. If starting in the two cities to target about 5,000 girls in each city for

a total of 10,000, plus the creation of two fields, the rent for offices, it would cost $522,268.4

USD using the numbers mentioned above. After the first year the NWSL should have an

adequate budget devoted to the program to have it turn a profit within the first few years.

Project Expansion Success

Based on what is found about the finances of the NWSL and the capital requirements, the

project of the expansion would be successful. It has been hard from the pandemic but with

women’s sports growing and the potential of strong broadcasting deals and sponsorships coming

up showcases some strong movement for women’s soccer. With programs that already exist in

Africa, the NWSL will need to have an established plan to help expand off those and in major

cities to reach as many girls as they can. Looking into some of those major cities like

Johannesburg, or Accura to be in the city central will cost a bit more to rent a space for an office

but rest of cost should remain the same and cheap. In creating partnerships in Africa there are

many opportunities to help increase the revenue for the organization and help create the success

of the incoming programs.

VI. Study Conclusion and Recommendations

In looking at the feasibility study, there are recommendations that could help enhance the

expansion of youth football (soccer) in Africa. First would be to recommend having a

significant focus on the middle school and high school level of players. The program can still

cater to the elementary level of students but will have to include older students. To have the


focus on this level of play to help build up the talent to have success in the future is important.

There are after school programs for soccer but focus heavily on boys, to build off that and

expand to do the same for girls. This will help include all the students and give girls that

opportunity to participate and showcase their skills. This is important to have them

participate, “girls and women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem

and lower levels of depression. Girls and women who play sports have a more positive body

image and experience higher states of psychological well-being than girls and women who do

not play sports” (2019). Another recommendation would be to hire more coaches and staff to

help down the programs. With the programs focusing on older students, it would be wise to have

coaches with previous experiences which will be helpful and benefit the programs. As the

program builds and expands to other schools and locations it will be needed to add more

coaches. The coaches will be a vital as the program expands. The coaches can be used to advance

with the girls and help develop them as they go to get ready for professional play. Other staff will

be needed to assist in local tournaments and clinics as the program goes.

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