Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Bio-Psyco-Socioal-Assessment: Please choose a direct practice example with an individual, group, family and/or community and describe it, disguising names. - EssayAbode

Bio-Psyco-Socioal-Assessment: Please choose a direct practice example with an individual, group, family and/or community and describe it, disguising names.

Assingment: Please choose a direct practice example with an individual, group, family and/or community and describe it, disguising names. Your description headings should include:

Agency Description: Precede the example with a brief paragraph describing the agency, its function, and its purpose. In addition, cite the relevant literature.

Assessment: A summary of the essential case data (e.g., age, ethnicity, race, presenting problems, history of problem, coping abilities) presenting your understanding of the client(s) functioning in the situation.

Case Plan: Describe the plan and how it relates to the assessment.

Interventions: Describe and analyze your practice interventions and how they are related to the case plan and/or assessment formulation. An excerpt that demonstrates the process of your work is helpful, since we are most interested in assessing practice skills. For example: skills in interviewing, clarifying, strengthening coping responses, interpreting behavior, brokering, advocating, and developing insight.

Evaluation: Critically analyze the strengths and limitations of your efforts. In hindsight, how might you have intervened differently and why? Your response to this essay prompt may be longer than 500 words.

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