18 Mar If you were to add an amendment to the US Constitution today (either adding to it or repealing an amendment that is currently the law), what would it be?
Assignment: If you were to add an amendment to the US Constitution today (either adding to it or repealing an amendment that is currently the law), what would it be? Do you think there is enough public support for this amendment to existing? Why do you think that this amendment would benefit the United States? What would be the likely outcome if it becomes law, with both advantages and disadvantages? Use at least two outside sources.
Submission Method: Your paper should be a minimum of 350 words, double-spaced, with a title page and reference page, and in-text citations. The title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum word count. A Microsoft Word document is required, and you must ensure your assignment is properly uploaded by the due date. Please double-check your submission.