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Do program Budgets and Performance Indicators Influence Budget Allocations?

Locate Case study in Kahn and Hildreth Text Case #7:

Do program Budgets and Performance Indicators Influence Budget Allocations? An Assessment of Mississippi Budgeting Edward J. Clynch


A. Provide a title page identifying the case title, case author and case number.

B. Introduce the subject of your review in a paragraph of 50-75 words.

C. Prepare a 500-750 word review of the case study.

D. Conclude your review with a statement of 50-75 words summarizing what you learned from the case.

E. Prepare a 50-75 word response to each of four questions found at the end of the case study.

F. All postings should meet acceptable standards of grammar and structure

G. Include a reference or bibliography page with citations in APA style. You are expected to cite the case being reviewed at least twice when explaining it. The use of other references is welcomed but not required.


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