31 Mar Pick a case study from the internet specific to each Copyrights violation topic you chose. Try to choose the case studies for which a judgment is already given: The topic I chose ‘LANG VAN
_ Pick a case study from the internet specific to each Copyrights violation topic you chose. Try to choose the case studies for which a judgment is already given:
The topic I chose "LANG VAN, INC. V. VNG CORPORATION". Here is the link to that Copyrights violation case:
+ https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca9/19-56452/19-56452-2022-07-21.html (The detail of the case in the PDF file at the bottom of the page)
+ https://copyrightalliance.org/copyright-cases/lang-van-v-vng/#:~:text=The%20court%20stated%20that%20VNG,their%20services%20or%20geoblock%20its
+ https://fairuse.stanford.edu/case/lang-van-inc-v-vng-corporation/
-> Details that needs to be included for this topic are as follows:
1. Synopsis/Summary of the case.
2. Stakeholders and their rights, point of views of each of them.
3. Ethical issues found in the case.
4. Current solution/judgment that was given.
_ Length of this analysis: 2-3 pages