31 May Objective: Select a pressing social or environmental issue and develop an informed business intervention plan grounded in Peter Drucker’s principles of Knowledge, Self-K
Objective: Select a pressing social or environmental issue and develop an informed business intervention plan grounded in Peter Drucker’s principles of Knowledge, Self-Knowledge, Wisdom, and Leadership.
Format: 2-page report in APA format
Page 1: Framing the Issue
- Attention-grabbing Title
- Issue Selection & Significance (1⁄2 page)
- Introduce and define key aspects of your chosen issue
- Explain why business engagement on this issue matters
- Knowledge & Self-Knowledge (1⁄2 page)
- Discuss insights needed to understand this issue’s drivers and stakeholders. deeply
- Reflect on how self-awareness of potential biases shapes decision-making
Page 2: Applying Wisdom & Leadership
- Wise Interventions Through Business (1⁄2 page)
- Propose business actions grounded in a nuanced understanding of the issue's complexity.
- Explain how such wisdom leads to ethical and impactful corporate involvement.
- Leadership Driving Social Improvement (1⁄2 page)
- Spotlight necessary leadership qualities to activate positive change
- Inspire business leaders’ sense of purpose in improving society
Keep arguments concise and well-evidenced. Demonstrate fluency in Drucker’s core ideas.
- Knowledge refers to the understanding and information that a person acquires through education, experience, and observation. In the context of Drucker's teachings, knowledge is not just about having facts or data but also understanding their context and implications. He believed effective managers must continuously learn and adapt to changes in their environment, industry, and society.
- Self-Knowledge: Self-knowledge involves an awareness and understanding of one's character, feelings, motives, and desires. Drucker placed great emphasis on this, arguing that managers and leaders must have a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and how they are perceived by others. This self-awareness enables them to make better decisions, build stronger teams, and lead more effectively.
- Wisdom: In Drucker's view, wisdom is the application of knowledge and self-knowledge to real-world situations. It's about having the judgment to make the right decisions and to do the right thing, even in the face of uncertainty or complexity. Wisdom also involves seeing the bigger picture and thinking long-term rather than just focusing on short-term gains or solutions.
- Leadership: As Drucker saw it, leadership is the ability to influence and guide others. It's not just about holding a position of authority but about inspiring, motivating, and bringing out the best in people. A crucial part of Drucker's concept of leadership is the idea that it is a responsibility: leaders should serve their organizations and communities, not just their interests.