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Quantitative Analysis: Bivariate Pearson, Spearman Correlations and Linear Regression Assignment? ?? QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS: CORRELATION AND REGRESSION SPSS Questions Chapter 8 Usi

 Quantitative Analysis: Bivariate Pearson, Spearman Correlations and Linear Regression Assignment 



SPSS Questions

Chapter 8

Using the CollegeStudentData.sav set (see Appendix A on how to retrieve it), do the following problems. Print your outputs after typing your interpretations on them. Please circle the key parts of the output that you discuss.

8.1 What is the correlation between student’s height and parent’s height? Also produce a scatterplot. Interpret the results, including statistical significance, direction, and effect size.

8.2 Write a question that can be answered via correlational analysis with two approximately normal or scale variables. Run the appropriate statistics to answer the question. Interpret the results.

8.3 Make a correlation matrix using at least four appropriate variables. Identify, using the variable names, the two strongest and two weakest correlations. What were the r and p values for each correlation? 

8.4 Is there a combination of gender at birth and same-sex parent’s height that significantly predicts student’s height?

Make Sure to:

1. Attach your word document for review and grading. Other file formats are not accepted and will not be graded. Use the following filename format: LastName_BUSI820_AssignmentX.docx

2. Include an APA title block with your name, class title, date, and the assignment number.

3. Include a table of contents and a reference section. Number your pages in the footer along with the date. Include a header starting on page 2 with the Course and assignment number.

4. Write the problem number and the problem title as a level one heading (Example ‐ A.1.1: Chapter 2, Problem 2.1, and then provide your response.

5. Use level two headings with short titles for multi part questions (Example ‐ A1.1.a, Short Title, A1.1.b, Short Title II, etc.)

6. Use appropriate level headings for key elements of your discussion such as Research Questions, Hypotheses, Descriptive Statistics, Assumptions & Conditions, Interpretation, Results, and others. Your goal is to make your analysis easy to follow and logical.

7. Ensure that all tables and graphs are legible and include a figure number.

8. Carefully review your document prior to submission for formatting, flow, and readability. Keep in mind that running the statistical tests is only the first half of the challenge; you must be able to clearly communicate your findings to the reader.

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