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What’s Your Hypothesis? This week’s discussion focuses on designing and building support for an intervention. Netting et al. (2023) discuss the importance of d


What's Your Hypothesis?

This week's discussion focuses on designing and building support for an intervention. Netting et al. (2023) discuss the importance of developing a hypothesis statement and framing a statement of change in this process. Since this will be part of your final assignment, this is a great time to share some of your ideas with your colleagues! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Share your intervention hypothesis statement and statement of change. What resources did you use to help understand the quantitative aspect of your statement of change? Describe your experience as you completed this process.
  • A working intervention hypothesis concisely presents the relationship between your intervention and expected outcome. Share your working intervention hypothesis. What is at least one alternative working intervention hypothesis?
  • Share a journal article, video, podcast, or other resource about hypothesis statements. How might implicit and explicit biases be reflected in the statements? What personal implicit and explicit bias were you able to identify as you developed statements related to your hypothesis and intervention?

Engaging and Addressing the Needs of Homeless Veterans in Urban Areas

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Homeless veterans face significant challenges in urban areas with limited resources.

Reintegration into civilian life remains difficult for many veterans.

Urban homelessness among veterans is a growing concern in major cities.

Veterans experience high rates of mental health issues, including PTSD and depression.

Understanding this population is crucial for developing effective intervention strategies.

Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon. Welcome to this presentation that will address the problem of homelessness among the veterans in the urban society. The presentation will focus on homeless veterans, who Were once proud soldiers who served the country but are now struggling with numerous difficulties in civilian life. Even so, many a veteran struggle with reintegration, especially in metropolitan regions, where insufficient support, health care, and housing compound homelessness. The presentation shall review the history of Veteran homelessness, the causes, and potential interventions. It is important to delve into the process by which some veterans become homeless because gaining more insight into the issue might make interventions more effective. The presentation will also emphasize the significance of using social determinants of health, critical race theory, and ecological systems theory while understanding and tackling the causes of homelessness among veterans. Your participation in this discussion is vital since it allows for less general and more efficient solutions that would positively impact the lives of veterans.



Veteran homelessness is not a new problem, but the increase, especially in urban areas, has raised a lot of concerns (Anderson et al., 2023). Historically, most policies and social norms preceding and even after the conflict discriminated against veterans, especially those with mental and physical disorders. High costs, allied to the limited availability of affordable housing in urban environments, exacerbate these issues, with many veterans experiencing homelessness. Due to inadequate and unpredictable access to health services, veterans struggle to get treatment for their mental conditions, such as PTSD and depression. Though various veterans’ organizations and communal group associations have tried their level best to assist, basic constraints and the very nature of the problem normally curtail the attempts. Historically, the conditions depicted provide explanations of how minority veterans have been placed in a vulnerable position for homelessness through institutional prejudice. Knowledge of this type of context is important in its attempt to come up with an intervention plan that seeks to address the current needs of homeless veterans as well as the structural factors that contribute to homelessness among them.


Homeless veterans often lack access to consistent, comprehensive healthcare services.

Historical policies have contributed to the marginalization of veteran populations.

Urban areas struggle to provide adequate housing and support for veterans.

Veterans' organizations and community efforts have made strides but face challenges.

The condition of homeless veterans is linked to broader societal inequalities.

Information Gathering Strategies

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by homeless veterans, a multi-faceted approach to information gathering was employed. Both self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were used to gather information from the homeless veterans regarding their hardships and requirements. These direct interactions exposed the struggles of everyday existence without a stable shelter and the constraints that veterans experience throughout the process of receiving services. Local shelters and veteran organizations were also instrumental in this effort as these organizations offered a wider sample of homeless veterans and a wealth of information on the problems that exist. Besides primary data collection, a review of the literature assessed the historical and current state of veteran homelessness and the effectiveness of previous interventions. Communicating with the veterans’ support groups enriched the understanding of the social and emotional impacts that occurred on the subjects; data triangulation increased the validity and reliability of the results and may indicate the rest of the dimensions of the problem. These tactics formulated a comprehensive and accurate picture of the homelessness situation of urban veterans, which is crucial for creating efficient strategies.


Surveys and interviews were conducted to gather first-hand experiences from homeless veterans.

Collaborated with local shelters and organizations for accurate, relevant data.

Reviewed existing literature to understand historical context and current challenges.

Engaged with veterans' support groups to gain deeper insights into their needs.

Data triangulation ensured a comprehensive understanding of the issues faced.

Condition Statement

The primary target of this research is homeless veterans, a population that has significant adjustment issues when coming back to civilian life from military service, especially within cities. These veterans often suffer difficulty in transitioning back into the community, where they end up unemployed, suffer from mental illnesses, and become homeless. This condition is circumscribed by urban settings where the cost of living, scarcity of affordable housing, and inadequate support services make it extremely difficult for veterans trying to reintegrate into society. Urban settings may be difficult for veterans to find stability and support, but rural areas have better community cohesion and cheaper housing. The challenge experienced in this group is complex and includes the inability to access appropriate mental health services, stigma related to homelessness, and disparities in service delivery to minorities as well as veterans. Many veterans are unable to receive their benefits and services due to bureaucratic difficulties, leaving them without the support they need. These problems require a comprehensive approach that will target homeless veterans and the problems of the city.


Focus: Homeless veterans, a vulnerable population, particularly in urban environments.

Boundaries: Urban areas lacking sufficient resources for veteran reintegration and support.

Difficulty: Addressing complex mental health and socioeconomic challenges in urban settings.

Professional and Academic Research Summary

Veterans experience a 10.2% lifetime homelessness rate, often linked to childhood trauma and low income (Nichter et al., 2022).

Wartime trauma significantly increases substance use and homelessness among veterans, with community factors impacting relapse (Betancourtt et al., 2023).

Homelessness combined with military sexual assault worsens PTSD and physical health, highlighting the need for trauma-informed care (Lucas et al., 2021).

Veterans’ housing instability requires ongoing, adaptable support due to the complex and evolving nature of their needs (Montgomery, 2021).

Women veterans face distinct barriers to healthcare access due to their gender, veteran status, and homelessness, necessitating targeted interventions (Flike & Byrne, 2023).

Exploring the issue of homelessness among U. S veterans necessitates a consideration of a number of categorizations as well as theoretical approaches. Research shows that veteran homelessness results from the combination of social factors, mental health problems, and systemic barriers. For example, in a study by Nichter and co-authors based on the social determinants of health, it was demonstrated that veterans with PTSD and lifetime homelessness were characterized by adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and low income, underlining how the conditions of early life and military service influence mental health and suিঁcide risk. Betancourt et al. (2023) have used the conceptual model of the Social-Ecological Model to investigate how war trauma and substance use are related and how the factors from the community and personal environment contribute to homelessness and substance use among veterans. Lucas et al. (2021) focused on the impact of military sexual trauma and homelessness on veterans’ health and identified the requirement for trauma-centric approaches. Montgomery (2021) discussed how personal and societal factors co-interact and the support required to enhance veterans’ housing stability from a systems perspective. Flike and Byrne (2023) assessed the barriers to and enablers of healthcare access for homeless women veterans, identified gender-related factors, and discussed the necessity of gender-sensitive approaches. Tsai & Kelton (2022) noted the inequity in the utilization of services among homeless veterans based on their race or ethnic background, hence the need for culturally sensitive interventions. Lastly, Novacek et al. (2022) and Tsai et al. 2021) described how race and gender influence community reintegration, the variety and dynamic of requirements for several professionals and the need for culturally appropriate interventions.


Frameworks and Theories

Many theoretical models can assess the factors that lead to homelessness among veterans and its treatments. The SDOH contributes to an understanding of how money, education, and healthcare influence the health of homeless veterans. This paradigm underlines the calls to target such social factors that have become a concern regarding veterans’ quality of life as well as potential homelessness. CRT gives us insights into how the centre of minority veteran communities is marginalized through racism, prejudice, and exclusion, thus increasing the likelihood of their homelessness (Long 2021). CRT unmasks social inequities and how they impact veterans, particularly marginalized ones. Ecological Systems Theory is also used as a theoretical framework that encompasses the role of the family, community, and society in an individual’s life. This idea emphasizes the myriad factors that shape a veteran’s ability to reintegrate into society, especially within urban environments, given the positive or negative impacts of these factors. Applying these theories enables the development of solutions that are more appropriate and respond to the multifaceted and interconnected causes of veteran homelessness.


SDOH explores how social factors impact health outcomes for homeless veterans.

CRT examines systemic issues contributing to homelessness among minority veterans(Long, 2021).

Ecological Systems Theory considers the broader environmental influences on veteran homelessness.

These frameworks help identify key areas for intervention and support.

Understanding these theories aids in developing targeted, effective solutions for veterans.

Promising Practice Approach

Combating homelessness among veterans entails the use of best practices, which have yielded positive results in helping homeless veterans gain the necessary support and reintegrate into society. Homeless veterans have the opportunity to attain permanent housing through transitional housing services. Many of these programs encompass not only shelter but also needs like healthcare, counselling for mental health, and employment services, thus providing generalized support. Integrated mental health care is also important because many homeless veterans have PTSD, depression, and other mental health issues that make housing and work difficult. To address these problems, veterans need mental health therapy that may be tailored to a particular aspect of their lives. Employment training programs and activities also help the veterans to get proper civilian employment training (Bond et al., 2022). Acquiring and maintaining employment are important goals to achieve for veterans, so employment support, creating a résumé, and learning appropriate responses for interview are significant strategies. It is such community programs that offer the necessary help to those veterans and give them a chance to start over. All these promising approaches can prevent veteran homelessness to a great extent by focusing on their medical, psychological, and social elements.


Transitional housing services help provide shelter to homeless veterans on a temporary basis.

Mental health care coordination deals with PTSD and other related disorders.

Employment training enables the veterans to transition back into civil employment.

Outreach programs ensure that those who have served in the military get the help they require.

Integrated approaches include veterans' physiological, psychological, and social health.

Factors Contributing to the Condition

The lack of affordable housing in urban areas exacerbates homelessness among veterans.

Insufficient mental health support leaves many veterans untreated and vulnerable.

Many veterans face financial hurdles that stem from economic instability once they are out of service.

Social isolation contributes to the ongoing struggles of homeless veterans.

Many urban policies fail to consider the needs and concerns of homeless veterans.

Various contributing factors have been considered to have led to homelessness among veterans including those in urban markets has been affected most. One is the issue of the lack of affordable homes whereby many of these veterans still have substantial issues in terms of getting decent homes (Anderson et al., 2023). There are difficulties of sourcing and sustaining housing, which is expensive and scarce in urban areas among veterans. Furthermore, there is limited access to mental health resources for these veterans, which only worsens the problem. Veterans often have difficulty maintaining employment due to psychiatric disorders, including PTSD, major depressive disorder, and anxiety. Another major contributing factor is economic volatility; many veterans suffer from unemployment or underemployment, lack of access to viable livelihood, and unstable income and, therefore, possess no stable means of maintaining housing in case of the occurrence of other problems that affect their livelihood. Lack of social connection restricts access to services for veterans who are not connected to a community. Additionally, specific Urban policies do not respond to the needs of homeless veterans, and therefore, there is inequitable provision of services. To overcome these issues, an efficient solution for veteran homelessness should consider these causes.


Causal Factors to Address

Prioritize affordable housing development targeted specifically at homeless veterans.

Improve the availability and quality of mental health care, especially for PTSD in veterans.

Enhance basic support mechanisms to avoid the possible occurrence of homelessness among transitioning veterans.

Reduce social isolation by encouraging community involvement and support systems.

Stand for policy reforms that would improve the welfare of homeless veterans in cities.

In responding to the root causes of homelessness among veterans, it is essential to address the various areas that are linked to the issue. First of all, providing affordable houses should be made the primary goal to address this issue. Housing is a problematic area for veterans, particularly where they seek low-cost housing in urban centers. The establishment of more affordable homes and services for veterans can play a part in eliminating this barrier towards this stability. Second, mental health care must be improved or expanded. Some of the veterans end up in homelessness and are unable to fully recover by finding permanent housing or well-paying jobs because of schizophrenia and other related disorders like PTSD and depression(Inoue et al., 2023). These challenges can be combated and the quality of life of veterans can be enhanced when treated holistically for mental disorders. Third, veterans need a more effective economic Assistance in order to achieve the required financial security. It comprises employment training, financial assistance for education, and help to deal with challenges. Social exclusion cannot be dismissed because the existence of compact communities may help veterans cope with problems and find resources. Finally, lobbying for the changes within the framework of the urban policy can benefit homeless veterans. Due to the focus on these archaic elements, it is possible to develop enhanced and more effective strategies for addressing veteran homelessness.


Reflection on Biases

The awareness of biases is an essential component in combating homelessness amongst veterans and helps in avoiding such pitfalls. Such preconceptions may influence the overall perception of the issue and how it is addressed thus concealing its complexity. For example, assumptions may be made on veterans which can be misleading or fail to fully account for their hardships such as PTSD or racism. The biases that are inherent in the formulation and execution of the different plans could make certain strategies and measures ineffective or suboptimal. These prejudices have to be addressed in order to provide equitable and effective interventions. Both self-ethnographic and structural racisms can enhance the understanding of the gap or availability of services that support veteran homelessness. Thus, critical reflection of such prejudice contributes to the understanding of the processes and has the right strategy based on the experience and requirements of the veterans. It also helps in making them fair and appropriate for tackling the source of veteran homeless benefits.


Implicit biases may lead to underestimating the complexity of veterans' needs.

Explicit biases can hinder collaboration with veteran support organizations.

Acknowledge personal biases to improve advocacy and intervention efforts.

Reflecting on biases enhances understanding of systemic issues affecting veterans.

Addressing biases is crucial for achieving meaningful macro-level change.


Betancourt, C. A., Goldberg, D. G., Hawks, B. A., & Kitsantas, P. (2023). Perspectives of homeless veterans living with substance use disorders (SUD) and mental illness. Heliyon, 9(10), e20364–e20364.

Flike, K., & Byrne, T. (2023). Systematic review of access to healthcare and social services among US women Veterans experiencing homelessness. Women’s Health (London, England), 19, 17455057231189550.

Long, L. J. (2021). The Ideal victim: a Critical Race Theory (CRT) Approach. International Review of Victimology, 27(3), 344–362.

Lucas, C. L., Harris, T., Stevelink, S. A. M., McNamara, K. A., Rafferty, L., Kwan, J., Dunn, R., Fear, N. T., Kintzle, S., & Castro, C. A. (2021). Homelessness among Veterans: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Physical Health, and the Cumulative Trauma of Military Sexual Assault. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 12(4).

Montgomery, A. E. (2021). Understanding the Dynamics of Homelessness among Veterans Receiving Outpatient Care: Lessons Learned from Universal Screening. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 693(1), 230–243.

Nichter, B., Tsai, J., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2022). Prevalence, correlates, and mental health burden associated with homelessness in U.S. military veterans. Psychological Medicine, 53(9), 1–11.

Novacek, D. M., Wynn, J. K., Gabrielian, S., Glynn, S. M., Hellemann, G., Horan, W. P., Kern, R. S., Lee, J., Marder, S. R., Sugar, C., & Green, M. F. (2022). Examining racial differences in community integration between black and white homeless veterans. Psychiatry Research, 308, 114385.

Tsai, J., & Kelton, K. (2022). Service use and barriers to care among homeless veterans: Results from the National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV‐HOPE) study. Journal of Community Psychology, 51(1).

Anderson, J. K., Mackey, K. M., Beech, E. H., Young, S., & Parr, N. J. (2023, July 1). DISCUSSION.; Department of Veterans Affairs (US).

Bond, G. R., Al-Abdulmunem, M., Ressler, D. R., Gade, D. M., & Drake, R. E. (2022). A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Employment Program for Veterans Transitioning from the Military: Two-Year Outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.

Inoue, C., Shawler, E., Jordan, C. H., & Jackson, C. A. (2023). Veteran and Military Mental Health Issues. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.







Engaging and Addressing the Needs of Homeless Veterans in Urban Areas

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Engaging and Addressing the Needs of Homeless Veterans in Urban Areas

Task 1: Start Where the Population Is

The selected population is Homeless Veterans in Urban Areas

Socioeconomic, Cultural, or Environmental Condition and its Impact on the Population

The target population for this study is homeless veterans in urban communities. This group is constantly influenced by social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors (Chinchilla et al., 2020). Due to this, veterans find it hard to reintegrate into society and become isolated, resulting in low support. Some veterans are potentially in danger of becoming unemployed/underemployed because they are physically or mentally disabled to work. Homeless veterans or those who experience mental illness will not receive the attention or necessary care due to their veteran status. Urban settings have higher costs of living, fewer available affordable housing units, and higher incidences of crime and substance abuse, which might destabilize this group. Such factors make it challenging to assist homeless veterans in recovering their new status in society.

Encounter with This Population Group

By interacting with veterans in large fields, I have learned the different forms and the need for them. Based on the observations in shelters and other outreach programs, I have learned about the impact of PTSD, substance use disorders, and challenges in obtaining benefits for veterans. These events have shown the spirit of the veterans and the barriers within the system that are present today. I have also observed how specific services like vocational, counseling, and services can enrich presence. These exchanges have shown that measures of one-on-one, compassionate approaches in addressing homeless veterans’ concerns are effective.

Self-Identities, Attitudes, and Biases

Being a social worker, I find it crucial to embrace the values of empathy, advocacy, and maintaining a commitment to social justice. Social class and culture affect people’s behaviors and how they expect others to behave. I also realize that I might possess certain stereotypes about homeless and mentally ill veterans when providing care. I need to recognize these prejudices to attempt to consciously think about veterans to ensure that I offer them polite, culturally sensitive, non-oppressive care. To support my clients, I aim for cultural competency, humility, and willingness to learn from more experienced peers.

Strengths, Weaknesses, And Power Imbalances

The homeless veterans are strong-willed individuals who can easily adapt to change and have many combat stories to tell. These attributes can assist them in their reintegration process into society. However, they are prone to developing PTSD, depression, chronic diseases, and substance use disorders (Lucas et al., 2021). These issues are compounded by social isolation, homelessness, and limited access to health care and veterans' services. Lack of resources in post-military transition, mental healthcare, and poverty all paint the picture of power imbalances that create homelessness. They may also fail in the capacity to ask for assistance and advocate for themselves because of the social isolation and discrimination that homeless veterans endure. These power dynamics should be addressed through promoting policies, increasing resources, and creating a welcoming campus.

Demonstrating Cultural Humility by Seeking the Population's Perspectives

Key Informants

Veterans Service Organization Leaders: Veterans organizations such as the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) can inform on homeless vets' systemic issues. They are reliable informants because they have advocated for veterans' rights and provided direct services.

Homeless Veterans: Engaging directly with homeless veterans themselves is crucial. They can provide a personal perspective by sharing their struggles and wants. This direct insight is essential in understanding this population's challenges and capabilities.

Including Diverse Voices and Perspectives

I will use a participative method that entails direct involvement with homeless veterans to include varied voices and viewpoints in clearly stating their difficulties. Focus groups and individual interviews with homeless veterans of diverse ages, genders, and ethnicities will ensure representation. Collaboration with veterans' service organizations will increase audience reach and institutional insights. I will also involve healthcare providers working closely with this group to address their issues holistically. Triangulation of these varied sources of information helps explain homeless veterans' challenges clearly and thoroughly, ensuring that their voices drive the development of practical and culturally relevant initiatives.

Task 2: Assess the Impacts of Difference, Discrimination, and Oppression

Stereotypes or Generalizations That Confront This Population Group

There are several stereotypes and generalizations that homeless veterans would have to endure. Such stereotypes include the belief that they are homeless due to their inability to manage their alcohol and drug addictions. Another stereotype is that homeless veterans are lazy or have no desire to get employment and reintegrate into society. These misconceptions fail to address the processes through which veterans become homeless, such as untreated mental health issues like PTSD, financial problems, and lack of resources. These beliefs promote homelessness discrimination and may exclude homeless veterans.

Discrimination and Oppression of This Population

The homeless veterans are discriminated and oppressed in every aspect or spot of life. T

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