03 Sep In this assignment forum, you will be exploring different aspects of brain development and how nature and nurture influence its development.
In this assignment forum, you will be exploring different aspects of brain development and how nature and nurture influence its development.
Due Date:
Points: 100
Overview: In this assignment forum, you will be exploring different aspects of brain development
and how nature and nurture influence its development.
Instructions: After reading about brain development from the prenatal period through adolescence:
• Choose two aspects of brain development that were of most interest to you.
• Describe these aspects of brain development and explain why you found them
For many years, scientists believed that brain development was strictly controlled by “nature” (genetics, biological development). According to the neuroconstructivist view, we now know that development of the brain is significantly influenced by nurture (experience). The ability of experience to change the structure and/or activity of the developing brain is known as “neuroplasticity.”
• Give two examples of how experience can impact brain development in an
adverse way.
• Give two examples of how experience can impact brain development in a
positive way.
• How can the concept of neuroplasticity be practically applied to furthering
positive brain and behavioral outcomes? Support your view with a scholarly
research article that demonstrates how experience can change the
brain/behavior for the better. Post the link to the article for your classmates to
review. Briefly summarize the key findings of the article.
• By the Wednesay deadline, share your work with the class in this Unit 2 Assignment
• By the Sunday deadline, review your classmates’ work and provide at least one
(1) reply.
PSY201 – Child Development
Assignment Forum: Brain Development
PSY201–Child Development Assignment Forum:Brain Development
Evaluation Rubric for Brain Development Assignment Forum
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement
Proficient Exemplary
0-8 points 9-11 points 12-14 points 15 points
Two Aspects of Brain Development and Why Important/Inte resting
Components are minimally or not addressed.
Components are somewhat addressed.
Components are mostly addressed.
Components are thoroughly addressed.
0-11 points 12-15 points 16-19 points 20 points
Two Examples of Negative Impact from Experience
Components are minimally or not addressed.
Components are somewhat addressed.
Components are mostly addressed.
Components are thoroughly addressed.
0-11 points 12-15 points 16-19 points 20 points
Two Examples of Positive Impact from Experience
Components are minimally or not addressed.
Components are somewhat addressed.
Components are mostly addressed.
Components are thoroughly addressed.
0-11 points 12-15 points 16-19 points 20 points
Application of neuroplasticit y for Positive Brain Outcomes. Explanation supported by scholarly article sharing and summarizatio n of findings.
Components are minimally or not addressed.
Components are somewhat addressed.
Components are mostly addressed.
Components are thoroughly addressed.
0-2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points
Article APA Citation
Citation is not present, and/or APA style formatting has significant errors.
Citation has some issues with APA style formatting.
Citation has minor errors in APA style formatting.
Citation is included and correctly formatted in APA style.
0-5 points 6-7 points 8-9 points 10 points
Peer Response
No response post made to a classmate’s posting.
Peer response provided though minimal and lacking depth by restating or summarizing what was already expressed; details and new ideas missing or lacking.
Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation but does not raise a question or offer an alternative perspective.
Peer response elaborates on classmate’s ideas with further comment or observation; presents a relevant new idea or viewpoint for consideration; raises a question or politely offers an alternative perspective.
0 points 5 points 10 points
Posting Due Dates
The assignment and response were not posted by the due dates of the unit.
Either the assignment or the response was not posted by the due date of the unit.
Both the assignment and response were posted by the due dates of the unit.