What is a differential diagnosis list? What must be considered when developing a differential diagnosis list? Pick a medical condition that the provi - EssayAbode

What is a differential diagnosis list? What must be considered when developing a differential diagnosis list? Pick a medical condition that the provi

  1. What is a differential diagnosis list?
  2. What must be considered when developing a differential diagnosis list?
  3. Pick a medical condition that the provider might see in the acute care setting and describe the pathophysiology, risk factors, and signs and symptoms.
  4. Discuss three differential diagnoses related to this condition.
  5. Discuss why these differential diagnoses are appropriate for this condition.
  6. Discuss similarities and differences between the three differential diagnoses and the medical condition described.
  7. Discuss diagnostic criteria that the provider can use to help rule in or rule out these differentials.
  8. Discuss the gold standard diagnostic test that must be used in order to rule in these differentials.

Include a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed research articles as references in the presentation. All research articles must be within the last 5 years

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