Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Prior to beginning work on this final paper, Read Chapter 5: Taking Action and Leading Change of the course textbook, One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Pro - EssayAbode

Prior to beginning work on this final paper, Read Chapter 5: Taking Action and Leading Change of the course textbook, One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Pro

Executive Summary

[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this final paper,

This executive summary will provide a high-level overview of the problem you selected in this course, the context of the problem, your research efforts and results, the different potential solutions, your recommended solution, and how a person can be an agent of change.

Formatting Guidelines for the Executive Summary Final Paper

Executive Summary

<Your Name>

The University of Arizona Global Campus

GEN499: General Education Capstone

<Your Instructor’s Name>


The Problem

In a short paragraph, describe the problem using the 5W1H method. View the Week 5 Model Executive Summary for guidance on each section's content and approximate length.

Next, state the problem statement clearly and succinctly.

Background Overview

Briefly explain whether the problem exists in a personal or professional context.

In one or more paragraphs, describe any cultural influences that may have caused or contributed to the problem. Include your description of the problem, as examined through a cultural lens, from the Week 2 Discussion. Consider any biases around the situation.

Briefly evaluate the urgency of the problem. Explain why you think the problem is important. 

Research Results

In a paragraph, share the results of your theoretical investigation and data collection. Include the results of interviews conducted about the problem from Week 3.

In one or more paragraphs, share the results of your examination of sources for bias and trustworthiness. Include research and data results from Week 3. Review the Integrating Research resource for help incorporating sources into your writing. Cite any outside resources using in-text citations, referring to the APA Citing Within Your Paper resource for guidance.

Potential Solutions

Describe at least two potential solutions. Create a well-developed paragraph here for one solution.

Create a second well-developed paragraph here for the next solution.

Assess the realistic expectations to implement each solution. Evaluate the benefits and barriers to each potential solution. 

Identify the preferred solution and explain the choice. 


Explain how you can serve as a change agent for this problem. In a short paragraph, describe the degree of change you can reasonably expect to achieve. 

In one or more paragraphs, discuss how you can motivate others to be agents of change for this problem. Consider your audience and how you can get their buy-in.

Briefly state your action plan to implement the solution. 


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Author, A. A, (Year). Title of work. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book anthology (edition, if other than the first, pp-pp.) Publisher. URL (Original work published date)

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Site Name. URL

**Include at least four credible sources in addition to the textbook. For help formatting your reference entries, please see APA: Formatting Your References List . Be sure that each source you’ve used has both an in-text citation and a references list citation.

For this assignment, you do not need to format your work with double-spaced lines, indented paragraphs, or a hanging indent for your references. For professional writing, use double-spacing between paragraphs.


Tashina Tupai

Sep 12 8:59pmLast reply Sep 16 8:14pm

Reply from Tashina Tupai

Hi Class,

During the interview, I had the opportunity to speak with a woman who's a veteran, about the difficulties that women in the military often encounter. Her personal experiences shed light on the issues, at hand specifically addressing gender discrimination, harassment and the obstacles women may come across in a male centered military setting.

Interview Questions and Responses:

· What motivated you to join the military, and how did your expectations compare to your actual experiences as a woman in the armed forces?                                         She joined seeking personal growth and educational benefits but was surprised by the unequal treatment and the need to constantly prove herself in a male-dominated environment.

· Can you share some of the unique challenges you faced as a woman during your time in the military that your male counterparts may not have encountered?She explained that women were often excluded from leadership opportunities and informal networks, creating an uphill battle for women to demonstrate their capabilities.

· Did you ever experience or witness gender-based discrimination or harassment? How was it handled by your chain of command?                                 She faced harassment in the form of inappropriate comments and behavior. When reported, her concerns were not taken seriously by the chain of command, who often dismissed the issue or downplayed it.

· How did being in a male-dominated environment affect your professional development and career progression in the military?                                           She felt that women had to work harder than men to earn promotions and recognition, often being passed over for leadership roles in favor of less experienced men.

· Were there specific roles or opportunities you felt were harder to access because of your gender?                                           She mentioned an unspoken resistance to women in combat roles, even when those roles were officially open to women, making it harder for her to pursue the positions she was interested in.

· How did you balance the demands of military life with personal or family responsibilities, and do you think women in the military face additional pressures in this regard?                                             She acknowledged that balancing military life with family was particularly challenging for women, who often face added pressure to fulfill traditional caregiving roles on top of their military duties.

· What were the attitudes of your peers and superiors toward women in leadership positions? How did it impact your work environment?                                         While some peers and superiors were supportive, she encountered resistance from others, especially older male soldiers. This created a tense work environment, particularly when women were placed in leadership roles.

· What improvements do you think the military has made (or needs to make) in terms of supporting women service members?                                               She believes the military has made progress, such as opening more roles to women and improving the reporting of harassment, but she emphasized that more needs to be done to change the culture and hold leaders accountable for addressing these issues.

· Looking back, do you feel that women are adequately represented and respected in military culture? Why or why not?         She feels that women are still underrepresented, especially in leadership positions. While respect varies by unit, women are often still seen as outsiders or less capable in military culture.

· What advice would you give to women who are currently serving or considering joining the military based on your experiences?                                           She advised women to be prepared for challenges, to work hard, and to find mentors who can support them. Despite the obstacles, she emphasized that women can succeed in the military and make a difference.


Overall, the phone interview provided valuable insight into the unique challenges women face in the military. The interview process went smoothly, and I appreciated the interviewee's openness in sharing her experiences. If I could do it again, I would prepare more follow-up questions to explore certain topics in more depth. The results were as expected, confirming that issues like harassment, gender bias, and barriers to leadership persist, despite some improvements.


Model Executive Summary

I.M. Student

The University of Arizona Global Campus

GEN499: General Education Capstone

Professor Tough

August 8, 2032

The Problem

Over the last two years, our company has rapidly expanded and exceeded the expected projections for growth. Whereas personnel have been added to handle the additional workload, the physical environment has not been adjusted to accommodate the increase in staff. As a result, there has been a small but steady decline in office morale and a corresponding drop in productivity because there is nowhere for employees to recharge their batteries during work hours. In summary, the problem is that our office does not have a designated area for employees to decompress during their work breaks which is having a negative effect on office morale and productivity.

Background Overview

This problem exists in a professional context which is the physical design of the office facility. The office was originally selected as it comfortably accommodated the small number of original office staff. Four desks fit the open area, and a small couch and coffee table were placed at the end wall for employee use. This arrangement worked well for the first 18 months of the company’s existence.

In the second half of the second year, the business experienced exponential growth which required additional staff to handle the work. The couch and coffee table were removed to accommodate additional desks for the growth in personnel. At first, employees were excited about the positive company growth and didn’t mind working eight-nine hours right alongside their colleagues. After about a year, the fast pace of keeping up with the growth began to wear on the employees, especially since there was no place to escape the constant buzz of telephone conversations, the underlying hum of electricity from the monitors and computers, and quite simply, the experience of always being with and around colleagues during the entire workday. Employees began to feel more stress as it was clear there was nowhere to escape and recharge their batteries other than leaving the office completely which is costly in terms of time and money.

Office leadership has also experienced struggles due to the rapid growth of the company. When the office was small, leadership could directly address all employees at once with ease and

Use the 5W1H method to

develop your problem


State the problem statement clearly and succinctly.

Include your description of the problem from the Week 2 discussion here.

An executive summary is a concise summary of a business report. It restates the purpose of the report, highlights the major points of the report, and describes any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.

An executive summary should be aimed at an audience that is interested in and wants to learn more about the purpose of the main business report.

informality; however, as the need for additional personnel led to hiring many more employees, it became clear that mid-level leadership would be necessary to bridge the gap between employees and upper leadership. Not having experienced the company from its inception, newer employees did not feel as emotionally tied to the company and were less willing to accept growth pains such as the limitations of the physical environment. As a result, employee concerns were not as readily expressed which fed into the stress and decreased morale within the organization.

To be fair, many of the original employees also felt the stress of rapid physical growth of the organization. However, they were not as likely to openly complain or criticize leadership for not recognizing and acting on the problem as were newer employees.

To increase employee morale and resume productivity levels, this problem needs to be addressed within the next few months before there is a serious impact on the organization’s finances and organizational culture.

Research Results

Research to learn more about the problem has revealed some interesting results. A series of informal, separate conversations with six different employees were conducted at a local coffee shop that was quiet and offered comfortable seating. Two major themes arose from the conversations. First, employees indicated that they did not like having to eat lunch at their desks and were concerned that there was no place to store lunches (i.e. refrigerator, etc.). Second, employees identified the lack of “quiet” space to gather their thoughts when faced with a stressful situation as being a demoralizing issue. There is a plethora of research to support the impact of employer practices on employee morale as well as employee morale on office productivity. According to Jones and Farmer (2020), having a designated “retreat” area for employees to use is beneficial to their psychological health and can have positive effects on their physical health as well. We all know that stress can cause multiple issues, so having a stress-free zone would benefit employees to clear their heads and relax during their break times. Davis and Carter (2018) indicated in their research that employees who feel heard and supported are more engaged and productive at work. Employees whose employers listen to, and address concerns are more patient to await change. Trust between employee and employer is also a very important factor that affects morale and productivity according to Wilson (2022). A conversation with the building management office indicated that in the past, tenants have been given permission to remodel their offices as necessary. Tenants have also had the option to relocate to a larger office space area (depending on availability). Building management is very willing to work with our office as they want to keep us as satisfied tenants.

Potential Solutions There are two potential solutions to address this problem. The first possibility is to expand the current office to include a functional and sizeable breakroom that includes a small kitchen with microwave and refrigerator. There is space in the adjoining empty office to relocate the adjacent

Consider any biases around the situation.

Include the results of interviews conducted about the problem from Week 3.

Include research and data results from Week 3. Cite any outside resources, using in-text citations.

Explain both solutions described in Week 4.

wall for the build out. This would also accommodate expansion of desk space in the main office area and provide an additional private conference space for confidential meetings. The cost of the buildout would be absorbed by the building management up front and rolled into a new negotiated lease. Employees could continue to work in the existing space while construction was in progress thereby making the transition somewhat seamless. The time frame for the project is estimated to be approximately two months to get the necessary approvals, construction plans, materials, and labor. The second possibility would be to move into a larger office space that already has a separate kitchen and large conference room on a higher floor. This move would involve a weekend move which would not disrupt the flow of office work. This larger existing space would have a better view and more room which would increase the monthly lease amount to be slightly more than the new lease for a buildout. Benefits to the buildout would be estimating and building out to accommodate future projected company growth whereas benefits to relocate into a move-in ready office would be a more professional and streamlined visual appeal for employees. Drawbacks to the buildout would be signing a lease for a minimum of three years to recover the cost of the buildout whereas drawbacks of the move-in ready office would be no possibility of additional buildout in the future to further enlarge the office.


Having a separate break room will allow employees to disconnect from their work activities for a while which can lead to increased morale and enhanced organizational climate, increased productivity, and a more positive impact on customers and clientele.

It would require a considerable amount of capital to fund the project, but the return on the investment to enlarge the office to include a breakroom or retreat and separate conference room would be captured in the increased productivity provided by employees who are satisfied with their work environments. The increase in the lease amount could be passed along to the consumer by incrementally raising the cost of the product.

Of the two potential solutions, the recommended solution is to relocate the entire office to the move-in ready office on the top floor of the building. Having met growth projections for the next three years already and understanding the marketplace trends leads to the belief that growth will slow to a more manageable pace for the foreseeable future. Moving into the finished office space will also address and enhance employee morale more quickly whereas requiring them to work alongside a noisy build-out would increase the existing stress to unmanageable levels.

The action plan moving forward would be to negotiate the new lease with the building management by the end of next week, arrange for a weekend relocation in two weeks, and celebrate the new space with the employees and customers.

State the benefits and drawbacks of each potential solution.

Consider the audience and what they need to believe and know to get their buy-in.

State the action plan.


Davis, B., & Carter, R. (2022, March 4). Listening to your employees: Benefits abound. Forbes.

Jones, A., & Farmer B. (2018). Benefits of employee retreats. Journal of Office Management, 8(3), 207-222

Wilson, S. (2022, January 10). Building employee trust [Video]. TED Conferences.

Include a list of References in your report. Note that in a business setting, an executive summary is usually a section at the beginning of a longer business report, with references listed at the end of that extended report. The format for listing references in a professional summary or business report may differ from an academic paper. For this assignment, use APA style for your reference entries. Since a real-world business report may not follow APA standards, you may make an exception by formatting these entries using single-spaced lines without a hanging indent. Include in-text citations to indicate where you used these sources in your summary.


Problem Section Total: 1.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately addresses all the required components for the Problem section. Proficient – Addresses the required components for the Problem section. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate. Basic – Addresses some of the required components for the Problem section. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate. Below Expectations – Attempts to address the required components for the Problem section; however significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate. Non-Performance – The Problem section is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Background Overview Section Total: 1.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately addresses all the required components for the Background Overview section. Proficient – Addresses the required components for the Background Overview section. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate. Basic – Addresses some of the required components for the Background Overview section. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate. Below Expectations – Attempts to address the required components for the Background Overview section; however significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate. Non-Performance – The Background Overview section is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Research Results Section Total: 1.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately addresses all the required components for the Research Results section. Proficient – Addresses the required components for the Research Results section. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate. Basic – Addresses some of the required components for the Research Results section. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate. Below Expectations – Attempts to address the required components for the Research Results section; however significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate. Non-Performance – The Research Results section is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Solutions Section Total: 1.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately addresses all the required components for the Solutions section. Proficient – Addresses the required components for the Solutions section. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate. Basic – Addresses some of the required components for the Solutions section. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate.

Below Expectations – Attempts to address the required components for the Solutions section; however significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate. Non-Performance – The Solutions section is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Recommendations Section Total: 1.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately addresses all the required components for the Recommendations section. Proficient – Addresses the required components for the Recommendations section. Minor details are missing, slightly unclear, or inaccurate. Basic – Addresses some of the required components for the Recommendations section. Relevant details are missing, unclear, and/or inaccurate. Below Expectations – Attempts to address the required components for the Recommendations section; however significant details are missing, unclear, and inaccurate. Non-Performance – The Recommendations section is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics Total: 0.25

Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand. Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader. Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Context of and Purpose for Writing Total: 0.25

Distinguished – Demonstrates methodical application of organization and presentation of content. The purpose of the writing is evident and easy to understand. Summaries, quotes, and/or paraphrases fit naturally into the sentences and paragraphs. Paper flows smoothly. Proficient – Demonstrates sufficient application of organization and presentation of content. The purpose of the writing is, for the most part, clear and easy to understand. There are some problems with the blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper flows somewhat smoothly. Basic – Demonstrates a limited understanding of organization and presentation of content in written work. The purpose of the writing is somewhat evident but may not be integrated throughout the assignment. There are many problems with the blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper does not flow smoothly in all sections. Below Expectations – Organization and presentation of content are extremely limited. The purpose of the writing is unclear. There is little or no blending of summaries, paraphrases, and quotes. Paper does not flow smoothly when read. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: APA Formatting Total: 0.25

Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page. Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. Basic – Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements. Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

Written Communication: Page Requirement Total: 0.25

Distinguished – The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. Proficient – The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. Basic – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least three quarters of the required number of correctly formatted pages. Below Expectations – The length of the paper is equivalent to at least one half of the required number of correctly formatted pages. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

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