27 Oct Jared is a 5 year old African American male in Kindergarten. He hits and curses at his classmates and teachers in kindergarten when he gets frustrated. H
Case study
Jared is a 5 year old African American male in Kindergarten. He hits and curses at his classmates and teachers in kindergarten when he gets frustrated. He presents as “a very angry little boy” as noted by his teachers and the school principal. There have been two occasions in the last two months where Jared displayed physical aggression by throwing a chair across the classroom, and after each incident he broke into tears and was very apologetic.
For this assignment, develop the profile of the client you will use to complete your final assignment in Week 9, where you will develop a treatment plan for your client.
Review the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan media. Select one of these case studies that you will use to create your client case. You will use your selected case study as a basis for creating a detailed client case. This is your opportunity to create a detailed client profile that you will be using as the foundation for your Week 9 assignment.
Once you have selected your client, complete the following tabs in the media presentation:
- Biopsychosocial Information for Case Conceptualization.
- Genogram. (
There are many different examples of a genogram available in Capella Library articles, as well as on the internet. Review several examples, select one and then draft a three-generation genogram for your client. Attach the completed Genogram to the U03a1 assignment area in the classroom.
- Ecomap. (Ecomap
The ecomap is a visual illustration of a family's relationships and stressors in the family's environment. The visual model can increase awareness of the multiple social factors in a client's environmental system.
Directions: Draft an ecomap for your client’s family. Include four positive relationships (blue line), four tenuous relationships (yellow line) and four negative relationships or stressors (red line).
Then, using the information you have created, complete the following sections of the treatment plan:
- Legal and Ethical Considerations.
- Identify a minimum of three current or potential legal issues that may impact the client's mental health.
- Identify a minimum of three current or potential ethical issues that may impact the client's mental health.
- Annotated Bibliography.
- Following the guidelines for drafting an Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site., provide a minimum of five recent (5 years or newer) peer-reviewed journal articles to support your work.
Additional Requirements
As you complete your assignment, be sure to:
- Write coherently to support your work with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a counseling professional.
- Correctly apply current APA style and format.
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