11 Nov Of the 4 Harlem Renaissance, who was your favorite and why?? Make sure your answer uses brief quotations from the assigned readings of that author’s work t
Of the 4 Harlem Renaissance, who was your favorite and why?
Make sure your answer uses brief quotations from the assigned readings of that author's work to support your choice.
Weekly Response Assignment #9: The Harlem Renaissance Grading:
This assignment is graded on a 10-point scale
10 = Provides a thoughtful response that is well-supported with passages from the author's work and communicates ideas in writing that is clear and error free
9 = Provides a thoughtful response that is well-supported with passages from the author's work and communicates ideas in writing that is mostly clear and error free
8 = Provides a thoughtful response that is supported with at least one passage from the author's work and communicates ideas in writing that is mostly clear and error free
7 = Provides a thoughtful response but may lack textual support or have grammatical errors that sometimes compromise the clarity of the writing
6 = Provides a response but it lacks textual support and has grammatical errors that frequently compromise the clarity of the writing
5 or below = need to revise and resubmit based on comments provided by instructor