Module 1 Assignment: Global Health Issue
Guidelines and Rubric
PURPOSE Global health is influenced by a number of factors, including access to resources, globaliza8on and an increasingly mobile society. Across the world, the health of individuals and popula8ons share common concerns as a result of this interconnectedness. The United Na8ons established Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to target key determinants of health to reduce global health disparity and promote health equity for all.
The purpose of this assignment is to inves8gate a global health issue and examine the SDG that informs strategies surrounding the selected issue. Factors that influence the issue will be analyzed, and efforts aimed to address the issue will be examined locally and globally. Implica8ons for advanced nursing prac8ce will be iden8fied.
In a 3 pages, address the elements below. Use a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See rubric for specific, required content criteria within each secJon of the paper:
1. Provide an introduc8on to the paper.
2. Describe a selected global health issue, the factors that influence that health issue, and the impact of globaliza8on on this health issue. Explain one SDG that targets the issue.
3. Discuss at least one local ini8a8ve and one global ini8a8ve to address this health issue. Explain how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different, and how they align with the iden8fied SDG to promote global health.
4. Describe opportuni8es for the MSN-prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied. Propose one addi8onal nursing strategy to address this issue and explain the intended impact of the proposed strategy on global health.
5. Provide a conclusion to the paper.
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
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2. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
3. Title page, pagina8on, subheadings, body of paper, cita8on of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edi8on of the manual.
4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly wri8ng as noted in the APA Manual (current edi8on).
5. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
6. First person should not be used within this assignment.
7. Please note: If you do not receive a proficient ra8ng in any major content category, you can re- submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a be]er grade. You have one addi8onal opportunity to revise a_er the ini8al submission in order to make improvements. The ini8al submission must be a complete paper, rough dra_s will not be graded. All revisions must be submi]ed no later than Sunday of Week 7 at 11:59pm. (You cannot revise your graduate-level wri8ng style for a higher grade in that category)
Assessment Criteria
Points % DescripJon
IntroducJon 20 10% In this sec8on you will: • Provide opening statements regarding the
impact of global health • Iden8fy the selected global health issue to be
examined • Iden8fy the sec8ons of the paper • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to
support informa8on presented
Global Health Issue
40 20% In this sec8on you will: • Describe a selected global health issue
• Explain the factors that influence the health issue
• Explain the impact of globaliza8on on the health issue
• Iden8fy and discussion one SDG that targets the issue
• Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support informa8on presented
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Strategies to Promote Global Health
40 20% In this sec8on you will: • Discuss one local ini8a8ve and one global
ini8a8ve to address the selected health issue
• Explain how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different
• Describe how both ini8a8ves align with the iden8fied SDG to promote global health
• Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support informa8on presented
ImplicaJons for Advanced Nursing PracJce
50 25% In this sec8on you will:
• Describe opportuni8es for the MSN-prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied
• Propose one addi8onal nursing strategy to address this issue
• Explain the intended impact of the proposed strategy on global health
• Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support informa8on presented
Conclusion 20 10% In this sec8on you will: • Include a concise summary of key points
regarding the selected global health issue • Provide concluding statements regarding
implica8ons for advanced nursing prac8ce
Graduate-level WriJng Style
30 15% • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza8on, and logical flow of ideas within wri8ng
• Scholarly, professional wri8ng tone with no use of first person
• Synthesis of informa8on is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
• Correct APA format for the following: o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Cita8on and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbrevia8ons,
capitaliza8on, italics, numbers)
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Quality of Literature Support
It is an expecta8on that a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment.
If the above expecta8on is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.
Assignment Length Criteria
It is an expecta8on that the paper is a minimum of 3 pages in length, and a maximum of 5 pages (not including the 8tle or reference pages).
If the above expecta8on is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.
Total 200 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements.
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Assessme nt
Needs Improvement
Introduc Jon
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
Dis8nguished presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Provides opening statements regarding the impact of global health
• Iden8fies the selected global health issue to be examined
• Iden8fies the sec8ons of the paper
• Integrates sufficient
Presenta8on of informa8on exceeds expecta8ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Provides opening statements regarding the impact of global health
• Iden8fies the selected global health issue to
Proficient presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Provides opening statements regarding the impact of global health
• Iden8fies the selected global health issue to be examined
• Iden8fies the sec8ons of
Presenta8on of informa8on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaJsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Provides opening statements regarding the impact of global health
• Iden8fies the selected global health issue to be examined
• Iden8fies the sec8ons of the paper Global
Health 40 Points 36 Points 33 Points 0 Points
Global Health Issue Dis8nguished
presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Describes a selected global health issue
• Explain the factors that influence the health issue
• Explains the impact of globaliza8on on the health issue
• Iden8fies and discussion one SDG that targets the issue
Presenta8on of informa8on exceeds expecta8ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Describes a selected global health issue
• Explain the factors that influence the health issue
• Explains the impact of globaliza8on on the health issue
Proficient presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Describes a selected global health issue
• Explain the factors that influence the health issue
• Explains the impact of globaliza8on on the health issue
• Iden8fies and discussion one SDG that targets the
Presenta8on of informa8on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaJsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Describes a selected global health issue
• Explain the factors that influence the health issue
• Explains the impact of globaliza8on on the health issue
• Iden8fies and discussion one SDG that targets the
Strategie s to
40 Points 36 Points 33 Points 0 Points
Strategie s to Promote Global Health
Dis8nguished presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Discusses one local ini8a8ve and one global ini8a8ve to address the selected health issue
• Explains how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different
• Describes how both ini8a8ves align with the iden8fied SDG to promote
Presenta8on of informa8on exceeds expecta8ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Discusses one local ini8a8ve and one global ini8a8ve to address the selected health issue
• Explains how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different
Proficient presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Discusses one local ini8a8ve and one global ini8a8ve to address the selected health issue
• Explains how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different
• Describes how both ini8a8ves align with the
Presenta8on of informa8on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaJsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Discusses one local ini8a8ve and one global ini8a8ve to address the selected health issue
• Explains how the local and global ini8a8ves are similar and different
• Describes how both ini8a8ves align with the iden8fied SDG
ImplicaJ ons for
50 Points 46 Points 42 Points 0 Points
ImplicaJ ons for Advance d Nursing PracJce
Dis8nguished presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Describes opportuni8es for the MSN- prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied
• Proposes one addi8onal nursing strategy to address this issue
• Explains the intended
Presenta8on of informa8on exceeds expecta8ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Describes opportuni8es for the MSN- prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied
• Proposes one addi8onal nursing strategy to
Proficient presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Describes opportuni8es for the MSN- prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied
• Proposes one addi8onal nursing strategy to address this issue
• Explains the
Presenta8on of informa8on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaJsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Describes opportuni8es for the MSN- prepared nurse to support the local and global ini8a8ves iden8fied
• Proposes one addi8onal nursing strategy to address this issue
• Explains the intended
Conclusio n
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
Dis8nguished presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Includes a concise summary of key points regarding the selected global health issue
• Provides concluding statements regarding
Presenta8on of informa8on exceeds expecta8ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Includes a concise summary of key points regarding the selected global
Proficient presenta8on of informa8on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Includes a concise summary of key points regarding the selected global health issue
• Provides concluding statements
Presenta8on of informa8on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaJsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Includes a concise summary of key points regarding the selected global health issue
• Provides concluding statements regarding Graduate
-level 30 Points 27 Points 25 Points 0 Points
Graduate -level WriJng Style
Dis8nguished graduate-level wri8ng style is evidenced by mee8ng all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza8on, and logical flow of ideas within wri8ng
• Scholarly, professional wri8ng tone with no use of first person
• Synthesis of informa8on is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
• Correct APA format for the following: o Page
numbering o Font style and
Graduate-level wri8ng style exceeds expecta8ons as evidenced by mee8ng the following criteria with 2-4 errors total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza8on, and logical flow of ideas within wri8ng
• Scholarly, professional wri8ng tone with no use of first person
• Synthesis of informa8on is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
• Correct APA format for the following: o Page
numbering o Font style and
Proficient graduate-level wri8ng style is evidenced by mee8ng the following criteria with 5-7 errors, total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza8on, and logical flow of ideas within wri8ng
• Scholarly, professional wri8ng tone with no use of first person
• Synthesis of informa8on is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
• Correct APA format for the following:
Graduate-level wri8ng style needs improvement as evidenced by mee8ng the following criteria with 8 or more errors, total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua8on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza8on, and logical flow of ideas within wri8ng
• Scholarly, professional wri8ng tone with no use of first person
• Synthesis of informa8on is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
• Correct APA format for the following: o Page
numbering o Font style and
size Quality of Literature Support
0 Points Deducted 5 Points Deducted
A minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the
The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support.
Assignm ent Length Expecta Jons
0 Points Deducted 5 Points Deducted
The length of the assignment meets the criteria:
Minimum of 3 pages in length;
Maximum of 5 pages in length.
The assignment fails to meet the requirement for length.
- Purpose
- Total Points Possible: 200 Points
- Assignment Instructions
- Assignment Criteria
- Grading Rubric