09 Feb Students will assume the role of therapist and take a ‘practice couple’ through the speaker listener technique as presented in class. Students will do a 2-
Q.1 YouTube Summary: What is Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy by Dr. Sue Johnson
Speaker-Listener Skills Practice
Students will assume the role of therapist and take a "practice couple" through the speaker listener technique as presented in class. Students will do a 2-page write-up of the experience, typed and double-spaced, addressing the following: Description of the couple, Description of the process used- what did you do? Description of the couple’s reaction- how did it work? Reflections on the assignment: What did you learn?
Note: In class, we practiced with three friends (1 speaker and the remaining 2 were couples, $2000 gift, Husband; i got 2000 bonus, and i would like to spend that money to buy a DSLR camera, Wife paraphrasing the same dialogue, this is the example that we did in class)
Q.3 EFT (Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy) YouTube Videos
Students will watch key YouTube videos and prepare a 2-page summary double-spaced of each of the videos.
Note: Use/ relate 2 or 3 YouTube video links (please provide that link as well) Take reference videos from youtube Dr. Sue Johnson