12 Feb Describe the importance and impact of key competencies and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work. Need help activating Microsoft
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Note: Review the Week 6 Assignment rubric below before submitting.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Describe the importance and impact of key competencies and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work.
Need help activating Microsoft 365? Check out this help document: How to Activate Microsoft 365 [PDF] Download How to Activate Microsoft 365 [PDF].
10 Skills Defined:
- Visit the Strayer 10 Skills HubLinks to an external site. for an interactive overview of all 10 Essential Employability Skills.
- 10 Skills Definitions [PDF] Download 10 Skills Definitions [PDF].
Wondering about what the 10 skills look like in your current or future career path?
- Visit the Strayer University Career Center and review the Career Exploration Guides. These guides provide tools to help you explore careers related to your major or concentration. Use the information to learn about your career path and opportunities in it. This information can also help you make a transition into positions related to your major or concentration.
- You can also reach out to a Career Coach directly.
View RubricWeek 6 Assignment - Employability Skills and the Future of WorkWeek 6 Assignment - Employability Skills and the Future of WorkCriteriaRatingsPtsExplain what the two skills look like in your career/industry.35 to >31.5 ptsExemplaryExplained what the two skills look like in your career/industry.31.5 to >28 ptsCompetentExplained what the two skills look like in your career/industry but there were minor errors in the explanation.28 to >24.5 ptsSatisfactoryExplained what the two skills look like in your career/industry, but the connections were vague or inaccurate.24.5 to >21 ptsNeeds ImprovementExplained what one of the skills looks like in your career/industry.21 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not explain what the two skills look like in your career/industry./ 35 ptsExplain why the skills are important and how the two skills can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry.35 to >31.5 ptsExemplaryExplained how the two skills are important and how they can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry.31.5 to >28 ptsCompetentExplained how the two skills are important and how the two skills can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry, but there were minor errors in the explanation.28 to >24.5 ptsSatisfactoryExplained how the two skills are important and how they can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry, but the connections were vague or inaccurate.24.5 to >21 ptsNeeds ImprovementExplained how one of the skills is important and how one of the skills can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry.21 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not explain how the two skills are important and can help to prepare you for automation, remote work, or changes in your industry./ 35 ptsExplain how using the two skills would make you valuable to a potential employer using specific examples.35 to >31.5 ptsExemplaryExplained how using the two skills would make you valuable to a potential employer, using specific examples.31.5 to >28 ptsCompetentExplained how using the two skills would make you valuable to a potential employer, using one example.28 to >24.5 ptsSatisfactoryExplained how using the two skills would make you valuable to a potential employer, but the connections were vague or inaccurate.24.5 to >21 ptsNeeds ImprovementExplained how using one of the skills would make you valuable to a potential employer.21 to >0 ptsUnacceptableDid not explain how using the two skills would make you valuable to a potential employer./ 35 ptsWrite with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.15 to >13.5 ptsExemplaryWrote with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are minimal errors (0–4).13.5 to >12 ptsCompetentWrote with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are a few errors (5–9).12 to >10.5 ptsSatisfactoryAttempted to write with appropriate grammar, mechanics, and spelling, but errors are noticeable (10–14).10.5 to >9 ptsNeeds ImprovementWriting contained many errors (15–19) in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableWriting had an abundance of errors (20 or more) in grammar, mechanics, and spelling./ 15 ptsTotal Points: 0