22 Feb Crime scene detectives respond to a burglary of a home. No one was in the house when it was burglarized and there were no witnesses.
I need help with this practical.
Instructions for Practical 3:
Please review the case scenario and impressions then answer the questions. This is a form in word, so once you check the appropriate boxes, save your file as (ex: prac3_lastname) and submit the file through the assignment drop box.
Case scenario:
Crime scene detectives respond to a burglary of a home. No one was in the house when it was burglarized and there were no witnesses. The detectives process the white tile floor in the entryway of the house with fingerprint powder and an impression(s) is found, collected with fingerprint tape and submitted to the laboratory for analysis.
Practical Exercise 3
Class Characteristics – Footwear Examination
Instructions for Practical 3:
Please review the case scenario and impressions then answer the questions. This is a form in word, so once you check the appropriate boxes, save your file as (ex: prac3_lastname) and submit the file through the assignment drop box.
Case scenario:
Crime scene detectives respond to a burglary of a home. No one was in the house when it was burglarized and there were no witnesses. The detective processed the white tile floor in the entryway of the house with fingerprint powder and an impression(s) is found, collected with fingerprint tape and submitted to the laboratory for analysis.
Question 1: How many footwear impressions are contained in the unknown submitted?
Only considering class characteristics (outsole design and size), which shoe(s) could have made the following unknown impression(s):
|_| Known Standard 1 |_| Known Standard 2
|_| Known Standard 3 |_| Known Standard 4
|_| Known Standard 5 |_| Known Standard 6