28 Feb For your personal use, what would be the most ideal home network setup and why??Describe it fully.?Number of devices, connection types, uses for devices, et
For your personal use, what would be the most ideal home network setup and why? Describe it fully. Number of devices, connection types, uses for devices, etc.
Your design will be a list of all the specifications that this network will have. In addition, you will need to write up a document explaining why you have selected these specifications, features, and components.
At a minimum you must consider the following items in your design.
Connecting devices
Internet connections
Select a minimum of five devices for your network from the list below. You can use more devices but at least five.
Smart TVs
Gaming Consoles
Mobile devices
Digital media players
Smart home devices
Document minimum requirements:
A minimum of one full paragraph in addition to an equipment list (ordered or unordered). (DO NOT copy the list from the Internet)
Your submission must have a minimum of five devices excluding the modem and router.
Submit only one document via the link.
Use appropriate section headers in your document so that it is easy to follow.
Use paragraph structure.
Use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling.
Include a header that contains your name, the assignment name, and the course code from the syllabus.
Your document must be one of the following formats (.doc, .docx, or .rtf).
Cite any and all sources.
Save the file as <LastNameFirstInitial_M2HW> Example: OserK_M2HW