20 Sep Need to write a college paper to show my reflection over the past?4 years and how I learned to deal with self-image
Need to write a college paper to show my reflection over the past 4 years and how I learned to deal with self-image on how I act and look. I am a shy person and find it very difficult to communicate and intersect with people and would hate this about myself. However, I learned that it's just how I need to make the most of it, and that is how I can have an amazing relationship with my family and friends. Having social media, making it hard for me to think that people aren't judging me, so it made it hard for me to accept how I look. This paper should have two main paragraphs, the first will be a story and the second will be a reflection based on the story (and what I stated above).
To start I would like the story portion to be me opening a memory box I created that has pictures from special memories with family and friends (family vacations, going to a concert with friends, summer hangout with friends) and also high school memories and activities (football games, volunteering, and homecoming). As I look through these pictures I realize that although I had those fun, amazing, happy moments, issues were occurring personally with self-image. Eventually, I was able to overcome this issue and realizing that it doesn't matter what people think and that I need to learn to accept who I am, even though it took some time I was able to not let this problem prevent me from making great memories.
These are just some ideas I have, but be creative with it I have attached some extra notes of ideas I wrote, not everything has to be included but the main point still has too as well as the format (less than 650). Again, it can be as creative as you can, but make sure to highlight the story and reflection portions.