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Coursework Overview ?Context Statement: The inter-related Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management

 Coursework Overview  Context Statement: The inter-related Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC-FM) industries face many challenges around construction project delivery (e.g. poor information  management practices; low levels of collaboration, productivity, predictability and profitability; lack of trust;  poor payment practices, etc.). The application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) concepts, tools and  workflows could potentially address many of these.  Throughout the Module there are discussions on aspects of contemporary practice around Building  Information Modelling (BIM). In order to further equip you with topic specific knowledge and  understanding, around this, and construction project management practice itself, and to help you develop  your intellectual skills and abilities in the subject, the following coursework task is set.  It requires the submission of an individual, written case study report whereby you are to self-select a BIMenabled Project Case Study, for the purposes of analysis and reflection around the management, theory  and practice of BIM. The ‘unit of analysis’ in this case study report ultimately, remains construction project  delivery, and how it could be improved through the use of BIM.  Analysis: This written submission should fully introduce the ‘case’, provide a project description and  position it within an Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) context. It should also identify key  project challenges, evaluate any BIM-enabled solutions, and articulate any BIM-related ‘lessons learned’  that can inform and be generalized to future practice.  Reflection: Through theoretical, and evidence-based perspectives, reflect also upon the key elements of  BIM-enabled project delivery practice that you perceive have been applied on the selected project case.  Discuss this by making using of current and salient academic (and relevant professional) literature from  the subjects knowledge-base.  Therefore, the project case study acts a ‘contextual vehicle’ you then use to evidence your independent  research and learning around Building Information Modelling Management, Theory and Practice.  Component 1 is worth 100% of the module. It will be submitted and assessed electronically, and it  addresses all Module Learning Outcomes.  3.3 Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students  Select a suitable BIM-enabled case study project that is ripe for analysis. This could be a prominent,  widely available BIM-enabled case, where useful materials are readily and publicly available, or one that  the student is currently, or has previously worked on. Such a project should only be one that you have  normal access to information. If such a project is a ‘building’ or ‘live site’, then this should only be one that  you have the ‘normal’, and ‘necessary’ permissions to access externally and/or internally (i.e. you are not  to engage in any trespass of any building/site that you do not have normal permission to enter). Also note  that you should not 'cold-contact' professionals to attempt to arrange access to any project that you do  not have normal access to.  If you need a discussion to advise if the proposed BIM-enabled project is suitable for the purposes of  case study analysis, then arrange to have this discussion with one of the module tutors by teaching week  6.  MCE | Learning and Teaching Version 2.1 | Page 3 of 4 In addition to the case study analysis, you should throughout the module, be equipping yourself on other  related aspects of contemporary Construction Project Management practice. To do this and develop your  topic specific knowledge and understanding, and help you develop your intellectual skills and abilities in  this subject, you are to engage with the academic and professional literature around the art, science, and  discipline of Construction Project Management.  Therefore, in addition to describing the BIM-enabled case study project itself, your coursework  submission is expected primarily draw upon, and refer to, the body of academic work in this area.  You should evidence this engagement via appropriate and quality in-text referencing, that is cited  correctly throughout. It is also reasonable to expect that some elements in your review will also be  informed by discussions held in the module or from any credible BIM-related websites (for example,,, as these are useful in  highlighting current issues and offering additional supporting information.  Again, the work is to be properly structured and supported through ‘academic’ research using appropriate  and quality references which are cited correctly throughout. A separate, properly formatted references list  must also be provided in the submission at the end of the document.  3.4 Expected Size of Submission   This written work should be formatted using ‘Arial’ font, of font size ‘11’, with 1.5 line spacing.   The upper maximum limit for this work is 4,000 words. This word count includes:   Any abstract (if provided).   The main body of text.   In text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)].   Direct quotations from primary or secondary source material.   Title & Contents page.   Words within tables, figures, and illustrations.   Reference list.   Bibliography (if also provided).   Appendices.   Glossary.   Footnotes.   Figures (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome to support the text, but  must be fully incorporated into the submission, integrated and following the text that fully explains  why they are exhibited. 200 words will be counted for each separate figure/table used.   The work must form a structured and coherent whole. No contents page or superfluous front  matter is required. Only a basic front sheet for the submission is to be provided, that identifies the  student number (not name), the total number of words used (excluding references section), and  the number of figures/tables used.   'Footnotes'/’Endnotes’ will be permitted, as they can offer sufficient value, providing, their use is  minimal, sufficiently concise, and appropriate – they offer only 'clarifying' information, or add  'adjacent' value to the sentences already written. In other words, they are not to be used to 'hide'  words that would otherwise normally be expected to be contained within the main body of the  text, and their use will be considered in accordance with the University policy regarding word  limits.    

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