05 Mar Faith and Practice Case Study Activity
The purpose of this assignment is to expose students to faith beliefs or values different from their own, and apply ethical practice standards when working with diversity and difference. First, review the NASW Code of Ethics, Texas SW Licensing Code of Conduct, Social Work Speaks website, assigned articles, additional policy resources, and the case study provided by the Faculty Liaison.
Based on discussions in class and the resources provided, answer the following questions:
What are your personal beliefs and personal values on the topic provided in the case study?
Compare and contrast your values as they relate to the NASW Code of Ethics.
When considering Ressler (1998), what is the most recent NASW position statement (Hint: Social Work Speaks!) on this topic and how does the statement impact your work as a social work practitioner?
List 3 ways in which your personal beliefs are congruent or incongruent with Social Work Speaks. (Be sure to relate this response to diversity and cultural competence issues.)
Based on the self-reflection and any new self-awareness in this assignment, if you were the intern in this case study, how would you navigate the distinction between personal and professional values while upholding the clients right to self-determination. What ethical framework are you using and why? Be specific in regards to how you would support the client.
The paper should be approximately 6-8 pages and should abide by APA guidelines. An excellent paper will: 1) convey introspection and insightfulness into client’s behavior; 2) include topics covered in other courses and discussions; and 3) be well constructed and well written, including correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Be sure to review the details grading rubric available in Canvas. Proofread your papers. The paper will be assigned a grade based on the following criteria:
Knowledge of course content demonstrated
Ability to follow instructions
Clarity and organization
Thoughtfulness and depth
Formal and professional writing skills
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Guttmacher Institute. (2014). State policies in brief: An overview of abortion laws. Retrieved from http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/spibs/spib_OAL.pdf (Links to an external site.)
National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics. Washington, DC: NASW. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English (Links to an external site.)
National Association of Social Workers. (2012). Family planning and reproductive choice. Social work speaks (pp. 129-135). Washington, DC: NASW PRESS.
National Association of Social Workers. (2012). Prostituted people, commercial sex workers, and social work practice. Social work speaks (pp. 272-275). Washington, DC: NASW PRESS.
North American Association of Christians in Social Work. (1983.) Alan Keith-Lucas: Assumptions underlying Christian social work. Archives of the National Association of Christians in Social Work, Botsford, CT.
Ressler, L. (1998). When social work and Christianity conflict. In B. Hugen (Ed.), Christianity and Social Work (pp. 165-186). Botsford, Connecticut: National
Association of Christians in Social Work. Retrieved from: www.nacsw.org/Download/CSW/Collide.pdf (Links to an external site.)
Spano, R. & Koenig, T. (2007). What is sacred when personal and professional values collide? ? Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 4(3). Retrieved from http://www.socialworker.com/jswve/content/view/69/54/ (Links to an external site.)
Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners. (2015). About the profession – Code of conduct. Retrieved from http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/socialwork/sw_conduct.shtm (Links to an external site.)
Ucci, J. & Wolfer, T.A. (2010). Aiding or abetting abortion? In T.A. Wolfer & M. Huyser (Eds.), Grappling with faith: Decision cases for Christians in social work (pp. 157-166). Botsford, Connecticut: National Association of Christians in Social Work.