01 Oct Introduction to Public Speaking
Introduction to Public Speaking
Audience Discussion
Watch this speech by Mary Fisher.
Watch Video
Mary Fisher A Whisper of AIDS 1992
Duration: 14:52
User: n/a – Added: 1/10/15
How does Mary Fisher’s audience shape the choices she makes in this speech? Consider the make-up of the audience in terms of their demographic characteristics, as well as their likely attitudes, values, and beliefs. If Fisher was giving this speech before a different audience, would her choices have been different?
SPC2608 Introduction to Public Speaking
Module 3 Discussion
Language Discussion
Watch John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address.
Watch Video
John F. Kennedy Presidential Inaugural Speech
Duration: 15:39
User: n/a – Added: 1/28/11
Discuss the language strategies utilized by Kennedy in the speech. Look for examples of alliteration, imagery, metaphors, similes, jargon, etc. Discuss what effects those language strategies have on the effectiveness of the speech and Kennedy’s ability to accomplish his speech goals.
SPC2608 Introduction to Public Speaking
Module 4 Discussion
Celebratory Speech Discussion
Watch Segment 15: the Eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr. by Robert Kennedy. Given the functions of eulogies offered by Jamieson and Campbell in your course textbook, does this speech fulfill those functions? In what ways? What makes this speech an effective/ineffective eulogy?
John F. Kennedy, Transcript
SPC2608 Introduction to Public Speaking
Module 6 Discussion
Social Change Discussion
Watch the speech by the former leader of the United Farmworkers movement Cesar Chavez: Cesar Chavez: “The Power of Nonviolence” Speech. Discuss Chavez’s defense of nonviolence. Do you find his arguments compelling? Is civil disobedience an effective and ethical means of effecting social change?