16 Nov Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students You are required to write an individual report including the following: A. For the Smiths Dock site at North Shields in Newcastle, the proje
Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students You are required to write an individual report including the following: A. For the Smith’s Dock site at North Shields in Newcastle, the project aims to develop a sustainable housing scheme with consideration for inclusive living B. Analyse the project and propose an appropriate Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and offsite construction methodology for the project. Your proposed method needs to be justified by providing the advantages of the method for the project. C. Identify 3 major challenges in the planning, design and construction phases of your project that can be addressed by Building Information Modeling (BIM). The challenges must be specific to Smith’s Dock site and the project option, and the MMC method that you selected. D. Describe the potential consequences of not properly addressing the three challenges to the project time, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity (you need to clearly explain how each challenge could negatively impact one or more of these items). E. For each challenge, develop a BIM-enabled solution and describe how BIM can address the challenge, and improve project time, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity. The solutions must be tailored to the Smith’s Dock project, and your selected project option. You can exemplify the solution with some illustrations from the BIM model you develop for the Smith’s Dock project. The report shall include the following sections: – Section 1. Executive Summary o This section provides a brief introduction about the project, the proposed MMC method, the type of the challenges you identified, and a brief description of your solutions. o The maximum word count for this section is 500. – Section 2. Proposed MMC Method o This section describes what MMC and off-site construction methodology you propose for the Smith’s Dock project, and the reasons for proposing this method along with its advantages for this project (item B above) o The maximum word count for this section is 750. – Section 3. Identified Challenges o Challenge 1: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above) MCE | Learning and Teaching Page 3 of 4 o Challenge 2: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above) o Challenge 3: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above) o There is no word count limit for this section. – Section 4. BIM-enabled Solutions: o Solution 1 to Challenge 1: Description of the solution to challenge 1 (item E above) o Solution 2 to Challenge 2: Description of the solution to challenge 2 (item E above) o Solution 3 to Challenge 3: Description of the solution to challenge 3 (item E above) o There is no word count limit for this section. – Section 5. References: oFollow the referencing style specifified below. The number of words in the reference section does not count.
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Coursework Specification
1 Module Information
1.1 Module Title: Building Information Modelling Management, Theory and Practice
1.2 Module Code Number: KB7034
1.3 Module Level and Credit Points: Level 7 – 20 credits
1.4 Module Leader: Reza Alavi
1.5 Assessment Component Number: 01
1.6 Assessment Weighting: 100%
1.7 Coursework Title: BIM-enabled solutions for construction planning and management of the Smith’s
Dock Project
1.8 Coursework Specification Author: Reza Alavi, Ray Elysee and Pablo Martinez
1.9 Academic Year and Semester(s): 2022-2023 Semester 1
2 Coursework Submission and Feedback
2.1 Release Date of Coursework Specification to Students: 26th September 2022
2.2 Mechanism Used to Disseminate Coursework Specification to Students: eLP Module Site
2.3 Date and Time of Submission of Coursework by Students: 23:58 BST 15 December 2022
2.4 The mechanism for Submission of Coursework by Students: Turnitin submission link on eLP
Module Site
2.5 Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students: No later
than 23:58 BST 27 January 2023
2.6 The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to
Students: Individual mark from Grade Centre in eLP Module Site and feedback comments from Feedback Studio in Turnitin in eLP Module Site.
3 Assessment Details
3.1 Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by Coursework
What will I be expected to achieve? 1. Deconstruct existing information management practices used by the Construction Industry actors and communicate their impact upon the industry business model. 2. Critically appraise the scope and role of Building Information Modelling within the context of the Construction Industry. 3. Critique existing Construction Industry research efforts, and approaches to problem-solving on real life BIM-enabled projects, to identify, and learn from areas to improve aspects of project delivery
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through the application of the management, theory or practice of BIM. 4. Produce and present original work for academic review.
3.2 Coursework Overview
Throughout the Module there are discussions on aspects of contemporary practice around Building Information Modelling (BIM). In order to further equip you with topic specific knowledge and understanding around this, and construction project management practice itself, and to help you develop your intellectual skills and abilities in the subject, the following coursework task is set. The coursework requires the submission of an individual, reporting an analysis around the theory and practice of BIM in a given case study (i.e. Smith’s Dock Project). The ‘unit of analysis’ in this case study describes the challenges throughout the project delivery phase, and how it could be improved using BIM. Project Analysis: The assessment requires you to analyse the Smith’s Dock Project as a case study, which has been uniquely chosen for this academic year and will be presented and illustrated to you in the first seminar session of the module. Throughout this analysis, you need to identify key project challenges, evaluate BIM-enabled solutions to address the challenges, and present the solutions with sufficient details for implementation.
3.3 Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students
You are required to write an individual report including the following:
A. For the Smith’s Dock site at North Shields in Newcastle, the project aims to develop a sustainable
housing scheme with consideration for inclusive living
B. Analyse the project and propose an appropriate Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and
offsite construction methodology for the project. Your proposed method needs to be justified by
providing the advantages of the method for the project.
C. Identify 3 major challenges in the planning, design and construction phases of your project that
can be addressed by Building Information Modeling (BIM). The challenges must be specific to
Smith’s Dock site and the project option, and the MMC method that you selected.
D. Describe the potential consequences of not properly addressing the three challenges to the
project time, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity (you need to clearly explain how
each challenge could negatively impact one or more of these items).
E. For each challenge, develop a BIM-enabled solution and describe how BIM can address the
challenge, and improve project time, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity. The
solutions must be tailored to the Smith’s Dock project, and your selected project option. You can
exemplify the solution with some illustrations from the BIM model you develop for the Smith’s Dock
The report shall include the following sections:
– Section 1. Executive Summary o This section provides a brief introduction about the project, the proposed MMC method,
the type of the challenges you identified, and a brief description of your solutions. o The maximum word count for this section is 500.
– Section 2. Proposed MMC Method
o This section describes what MMC and off-site construction methodology you propose for the Smith’s Dock project, and the reasons for proposing this method along with its advantages for this project (item B above)
o The maximum word count for this section is 750.
– Section 3. Identified Challenges o Challenge 1: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above)
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o Challenge 2: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above) o Challenge 3: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above) o There is no word count limit for this section.
– Section 4. BIM-enabled Solutions:
o Solution 1 to Challenge 1: Description of the solution to challenge 1 (item E above) o Solution 2 to Challenge 2: Description of the solution to challenge 2 (item E above) o Solution 3 to Challenge 3: Description of the solution to challenge 3 (item E above) o There is no word count limit for this section.
– Section 5. References: o Follow the referencing style specifified below. The number of words in the reference section
does not count.
3.4 Expected Size of Submission
▪ The maximum word count for your submission is 4,000 words or equivalent (excluding the cover page and list of references).
▪ This word count includes: – The main body of the supporting text document. – In-text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)]. – Direct quotations from primary or secondary source material. – Words within any tables, figures, and illustrations in the document (see below). – Footnotes (See below).
▪ This word count restriction does not include any words used for any typical front-, or back-end matter that the student wishes to supply including, e.g.:
– Front Cover – Title & Table of Contents page (see below). – Glossary – Reference list – Bibliography (if provided).
▪ Figures (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome but must be fully incorporated into the submission, integrated with the text, and thoroughly explained why they are exhibited. 200 words are counted for each figure/table used.
▪ 'Footnotes'/’Endnotes’ will be permitted, as they can offer sufficient value, providing, their use is minimal, sufficiently concise, and appropriate – they offer only 'clarifying' information, or add 'adjacent' value to the sentences already written. In other words, they are not to be used to 'hide' words that would otherwise normally be expected to be contained within the main body of the text, and their use will be considered in accordance with the University policy regarding word limits.
▪ Note that no appendices are permitted in this submission. ▪ The work must form a structured and coherent whole. ▪ On the cover page, identify the total number of words used (excluding the cover page and
references section) and the number of figures/tables used. ▪ The Northumbria University policy on word limits is available a
https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and- teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/ You will see the policy explains the point at which examiners will stop reading your work if you exceed the maximum word limit.
▪ Students’ reports must be submitted as a single digital file in either pdf or Microsoft Word format using the TurnitinUK portal on the Blackboard course. The University has published guides to help you submit your work using Turnitin Assignment submission portals, which you can find under Assessment Submission, Grades & Feedback at https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about- us/university-services/it-services/it-support-365/student-it-guides/
3.5 Referencing Style
You need to prepare the references of your report based on the Harvard referencing style using the Cite Them Right webpage. An online guide to Cite Them Right is available to Northumbria University students is available at https://www.citethemrightonline.com/
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3.6 Distribution of Assessment Weighting
Quality of presentation and communication— This includes coherence of the work, clarity of expression, writing style, visualisation, formatting, readability, citation, etc.
Executive Summary— How well the entire work is summarised with the requested information in the executive summary section.
Proposed MMC and Off-site Construction Method — How well the work provides analysis of the proposed MMC and off-site construction method with sufficient reasonings about the selected method as well as its advantages.
Challenges — How well the work provides analysis of the challenges, and their consequences to the case study project as well as their relevance to the project
Solutions — How relevant are the proposed BIM-based solutions to the identified challenges and how well they are tailored to the case study project.
4 Referral
If the Progression and Awards Board (PAB) decides to give you a referral attempt of the module, the module leader may ask you to retake the examination at another time. The referral attempt opportunity will typically occur after the end-of-level Progression and Awards Board (PAB). If you pass the module following a referral attempt, you will be awarded the module pass mark for level 7 modules, i.e., 50%. If you become eligible to complete a referral attempt but are subsequently unable to undertake the opportunity when required, you will be permitted to re-sit the module at the next scheduled sitting; this will generally entail the suspension of your progression on your programme of study until such time that you have completed the level and become eligible to proceed. The date and time of the examination for your referral attempt will usually be confirmed to you by Academic Registry via the University’s website and not by the module leader.
5 Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment
The University has several policies for assessment. The following information, which is available to you from the link below, provides guidance on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.
(1) Assessment Regulations and Policies (a) Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (b) Group Work Assessments Policy (c) Moderation Policy (d) Retention of Assessed Work Policy (e) Word Limits Policy
(2) Assessment Feedback (a) Anonymous Marking Policy
(3) Late Submission of Work and Extension Requests (4) Personal Extenuating Circumstances (5) Technical Extenuating Circumstances (6) Student Complaints and Appeals (7) Academic Misconduct (8) Student Disability and Unforeseen Medical Circumstances
https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and-teaching- excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/
Dr Reza Alavi
Coursework Overview
Coursework Specification
• Coursework Title
• BIM-enabled solutions for construction planning and management of the Smith’s Dock
• Type of Coursework
• Individual coursework
• Assessment Component Number
• Only 1
• Assessment Weighting • 100%
Coursework Submission
• When
• 23:58 BST 15 December 2022
• How
• Turnitin submission link on Blackboard eLP
• Format:
• 1 single PDF or Microsoft Word File
Feedback on Coursework
• Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and
• No later than 23:58 BST 27th January 2023
• The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s)
and Feedback
• Individual mark from Grade Centre in Blackboard and feedback comments from Feedback
Studio in TurnitinUK in Blackboard.
Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by
• Deconstruct existing information management practices used by the
Construction Industry actors and communicate their impact upon the industry
business model.
• Critically appraise the scope and role of Building Information Modelling within
the context of the Construction Industry.
• Critique existing Construction Industry research efforts, and approaches to
problem-solving on real life BIM-enabled projects, to identify, and learn from
areas to improve aspects of project delivery through the application of the
management, theory or practice of BIM.
• Produce and present original work for academic review.
Coursework Overview
• The coursework requires the submission of an individual, reporting an
analysis around the theory and practice of BIM in a given case study (i.e.
Smith’s Dock Project). The ‘unit of analysis’ in this case study describes the
challenges throughout the project delivery phase, and how it could be
improved through the use of BIM.
• Project Analysis: The assessment requires you to analyse the Smith’s Dock
Project as a case study, which has been uniquely chosen for this academic
year and will be presented and illustrated to you in the first seminar session of
the module.
• Throughout this analysis, you need to identify key project challenges,
evaluate BIM-enabled solutions to address the challenges, and present the
solutions with sufficient details for implementation.
SMITH’S DOCK LOCATION: North Shield, Newcastle
SMITH’S DOCK LOCATION: North Shields, Newcastle
Design Brief Sustainable Housing for
Inclusive Living
• Your design solution can be either single or multi
storey Using off site construction methodologies
• Consider use of sustainable processes to heat,
cool and ventilate the spaces.
• Each module to be no wider than 4.6m x 3.0m
• Internal maximum floor area 70sqm open plan
area to ground floor and bathroom/ kitchen facility
with 2 bedrooms
• Allow Transport to site on a 15 x 4m wide
articulated vehicle and to be lifted by crane on to
a site constructed framework and support
• Externally allow provision for open air sitting
area with provision for 1 .5 car parking spaces
per dwelling
• Site formatted with access road with electric
charger point and cycle stand
FAB HOUSE Copyright TDO Architects
FAB HOUSE Copyright TDO Architects
Axonometric Illustration Fab house render from ArchiCAD by Ray Elysee
FAB House Smith’s Dock
Smiths Dock North Shields
Scale 1:250 @A3
Coursework Tasks
A. For the Smith’s Dock site at North Shields in Newcastle, the project aims to develop a sustainable
housing scheme with consideration for inclusive living
B. Analyse the project and propose an appropriate Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and offsite
construction methodology for the project. Your proposed method needs to be justified by providing the
advantages of the method for the project.
C. Identify 3 major challenges in the planning, design and construction phases of your project that can be
addressed by Building Information Modeling (BIM). The challenges must be specific to Smith’s Dock site
and the project option, and the MMC method that you selected.
D. Describe the potential consequences of not properly addressing the three challenges to the project time,
cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity (you need to clearly explain how each challenge
could negatively impact one or more of these items).
E. For each challenge, develop a BIM-enabled solution and describe how BIM can address the challenge,
and improve project time, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and/or productivity. The solutions must be
tailored to the Smith’s Dock project, and your selected project option. You can exemplify the solution
with some illustrations from the BIM model you develop for the Smith’s Dock project. 20
Coursework Report
Section 1. Executive Summary
o This section provides a brief introduction about the project, the proposed MMC method, the type of the
challenges you identified, and a brief description of your solutions.
o The maximum word count for this section is 500.
Section 2. Proposed MMC Method
o This section describes what MMC and off-site construction methodology you propose for the Smith’s Dock
project, and the reasons for proposing this method along with its advantages for this project (item B above)
o The maximum word count for this section is 750.
Section 3. Identified Challenges
o Challenge 1: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above)
o Challenge 2: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above)
o Challenge 3: Description of the challenge and its consequences (item C and D above)
o There is no word count limit for this section.
Section 4. BIM-enabled Solutions:
o Solution 1 to Challenge 1: Description of the solution to challenge 1 (item E above)
o Solution 2 to Challenge 2: Description of the solution to challenge 2 (item E above)
o Solution 3 to Challenge 3: Description of the solution to challenge 3 (item E above)
o There is no word count limit for this section. 21
Cover Page and References
• Cover Page: Identify the total number of words used (excluding the cover
page and references section) and the number of figures/tables used.
• References: You need to prepare the references of your report based on the
Harvard referencing style using the Cite Them Right webpage. An online
guide to Cite Them Right is available to Northumbria University students at
Expected Size of Submission
▪ The maximum word count for your submission is 4,000 words or equivalent (excluding the
cover page and list of references).
▪ Figures (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome but must be fully
incorporated into the submission, integrated with the text, and thoroughly explained why they
are exhibited. (200 words are counted for each figure/table used).
▪ This word count restriction does not include any words used for any typical front-, or back-end
matter that the student wishes to supply including, e.g.: Front Cover, Title & Table of Contents
page and Reference list.
▪ The Northumbria University policy on word limits is available at https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and-teaching-
excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/ You will see the policy explains the point at which
examiners will stop reading your work if you exceed the maximum word limit.
▪ Students’ reports must be submitted as a single digital file in either pdf or Microsoft Word
format using the TurnitinUK portal on the Blackboard course. The University has published
guides to help you submit your work using Turnitin Assignment submission portals, which you
can find under Assessment Submission, Grades & Feedback and from https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/it-services/it-support-365/student-it-guides/
Distribution of Assessment Weighting
• 10% Quality of presentation and communication— This includes coherence of the work,
clarity of expression, writing style, visualisation, formatting, readability, citation, etc.
• 10% Executive Summary— How well the entire work is summarised with the requested
information in the executive summary section.
• 20% Proposed MMC and Off-site Construction Method — How well the work provides
analysis of the proposed MMC and off-site construction method with sufficient reasonings
about the selected method as well as its advantages.
• 30% Challenges — How well the work provides analysis of the challenges, and their
consequences to the case study project as well as their relevance to the project.
• 30% Solutions — How relevant are the proposed BIM-based solutions to the identified
challenges and how well they are tailored to the case study project. 24
• If the Progression and Awards Board (PAB) decides to give you a referral
attempt of the module, the module leader may ask you to retake the
examination at another time. The referral attempt opportunity will typically
occur after the en