25 Jan What is the purpose of the research on which the author(s) arereporting? Is it stated clearly? Where is it stated? (Include a pagereference).2. What concepts, theories, factors or issues fo
Reading Analysis Questions:1. What is the purpose of the research on which the author(s) arereporting? Is it stated clearly? Where is it stated? (Include a pagereference).2. What concepts, theories, factors or issues form the basis for theresearch conducted? Describe each in turn. Which ONE do you findmost interesting or important, and why? (NB. There could be multipleconcepts etc., informing the research being presented in the reading)3. What research methods are used by the author(s)? Describe 1) themethods that were used to collect data or information, and 2) themethods used to analyze the information/data collected to arrive atfindings/conclusions.4. Were reasons provided for the author(s) choice of using the researchmethods that they did, and were they explained sufficiently forreaders to understand what was done and why? Useexamples/details from the reading to explain your answer.(*Remember that researchers are writing for an audience expected tohave some methodological knowledge.)5. Describe in detail the main or key points, conclusions orrecommendations made by the author(s) in the reading you selected.(e.g., What findings were discussed? What did they learn from theresearch being reported on?)6. Identify a finding, conclusion or recommendation that you foundinteresting, OR challenged your own perspectives. Describe it, andwhy you reacted to it as you have.3