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SOCW 6121 Week 10 Final Project

Order Instructions
Submit your revised and completed Treatment Group Proposal, which is a 6- to 8-page document including the following sections:

Abstract: Summary of major points (1 paragraph)
Purpose: Statement of purpose, specify and justify type of treatment group, qualifications of the group leader
Membership: Specific population for the group, cultural mix and demographic characteristics, whether involuntary group members will be included.
Statement of Need: Why is there a need for a group to serve this target population in your area?
Recruitment: Method to recruit potential members as well as screening and selection procedures.
Composition & Contract: Criteria for inclusion/exclusion, size (number in group), open/closed; contents of contract (number of sessions, frequency, time of meetings, and length)
Orientation: How you will address and ensure confidentiality, obtain informed consent, and establish rules
Intervention Framework: Evidence-based practices and techniques to be used. Justify why the framework is appropriate for the target population and issue(s). Identify topics you plan to cover over the course of the group treatment
Evaluation Methods: Evaluation of progress and readiness for termination of services using at least one assessment tool and one observational method.
Use the Learning Resources and additional relevant sources you have gathered to support your paper. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list

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