Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Personas are widely used in business and help businesses intimately know their customers to market to them effectively. In this assignment, we will develop a persona based on descriptive dat - EssayAbode

Personas are widely used in business and help businesses intimately know their customers to market to them effectively. In this assignment, we will develop a persona based on descriptive dat

marketing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Personas are widely used in business and help businesses intimately know their customers to market to them effectively. In this assignment, we will develop a persona based on descriptive data summaries. This activity is loosely based on how personas are created within a workplace. At the very least, we lay the foundation for approaching persona creation in a workplace. Each business has multiple personas but often identifies a single persona to concentrate marketing efforts.
Objective: Create a persona for Hous
Requirements: 100
Market Research: Find What Consumers Value Most
There are plenty of stats that can tell you consumers are interested in others opinions and experiences. These statistics reveal that at??by what we read. Even more so if its a negative review the sentiment resonates. In recent years, multiple sites have collected reviews for local eateries, vacation destinations, and, of course, consumer products.
A positive review is a form of social proof.
If your company is considering entering a new market or needs to research product ideas, why not start with online reviews from real users? This was the very idea that??on pricing by a young analyst team.
They wanted to understand the best speakers available to purchase at the $150 price point. They theorized that if youre going to develop and market a new product, it is useful to understand what features are most valued. What a great business use case and a reasonable example of analytics!
The team extracted data for five speakers based on popular brands that Amazon customers had reviewed. The data contained consumer ranking, price, and all customer reviews.
This data was a mix of structured data (ratings, price) and unstructured data (review text).
Using the customer rating, these junior data scientists wanted to learn which product characteristics influenced scores. The following figure shows the products with the final text topic extraction analysis.
It makes sense that a speakers most outstanding quality should be its sound quality. There are many choices in this market space. Within the target price range, consumers must choose the most valuable features.
By reviewing low-rating topics and considering the reviewers sentiment toward that topic, you learn which features are essential. Its battery life, speaker material, and a charge port.
The business analysis paid off! But more importantly, the business is able to under the customer experience.
When starting your speaker re-design or even a marketing campaign, you understand what features are essential to consumers. This market research from this data could have been expanded to include multiple sites or even all products. It is vital to understand what features drive purchasing decisions and leads to the most product dissatisfaction.
Customer Complaints: Identify New Product Ideals
People love the Fitbit because they can quickly get performance feedback along with a coach from a single device. When they are not so happy with the invention, they turn to Twitter and talk to the brands customer support team. As the company assesses the tweets over time patterns emerge as well as the customers attitude or sentiment. No one expects a happy customer when they are having issues, but it can be positive if the support is quick and useful.
In this?, the analyst pulled tweets consumers sent to @FITBITSUPPORT. In one six-month period, there were over 33,000 posts. Fitbit is popular! That is too much data for one person to digest and attempt to identify all of the trends.
However, with text analytic applications, the analyst was able to break out the tweets by model and then zero-in on specific issues. For the?, the strap was an issue. It would break, bubbles would develop in the band, and the rubber stamp would peel off. The??had problems with the operating system where it could not get past the logo screen.
Within a few short mouse clicks, the user comments are available.
Information Extract from Twitter
The product team knows which features are annoying the customer and where to focus their energy.
Understanding the customer experience is essential and these online reviews provide a reliable way to understand it.
Its basically the words right out of their fingertips. If you are an after-market company, then you might see an opportunity to supply bands.
Competitive Advantage: See How Your Competitors Stack Up
Just as customers share information when they tweet, your competitors expose information about themselves when they report to public databases. There are several instances where the US government has mandated information. Subsequently, the data is published and made available to all.
Zencos worked with a medical device manufacturer using FDA reports as a source. This data set contains several hundred thousand medical device reports of suspected device-associated deaths, acute injuries, and malfunctions. Our team was able to use the database to match the companies to their products. Then we used the text fields to understand the main issues with some of the companys devices. Some detective work was required, but the result was fruitful.
A deep dive into the text data revealed that the customer had a much higher placement success rate than one of their leading competitors.
Using topic cluster analysis, we demonstrated the common causes of failed device installations by our clients competitor that led to many patient deaths. Text clustering and sentiment analysis allowed us to find common problems with very adverse outcomes for many devices. Products such as SAS Visual Text Analytics contains sophisticated text mining algorithms.
Text analysis provides valuable insights into the customers own malfunctioning devices and allows comparison of the devices performance with others in the marketplace. It may not have been apparent before the analysis, but now you have a glimpse into market penetration.
Plus you understand the common issues your competitors have.
Other public data, such as that in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, reports on what consumers find annoying about financial institutions. Yes, you can??? but what a great way to spy on your competitors.
Research Assistance: Find the Nuances in the Notes
Government researchers concerned about vaccine safety wanted to understand the adverse reactions. When there are tens of thousands of events that occur, it is difficult for an analyst to understand what might be the most important. Its more of a challenge when the data is unstructured, free-form text.
Text analytics simplifies the process by allowing the researchers to consider patients who reacted to vaccinations and were taking additional medications. Then the researchers used text analytics to identify the most severe reactions.
Analysts can??with this data.
When their predictions included text data sources, the accuracy rose to 80 percent of the time versus 40 percent when they excluded the text data.
This approach provided significantly better results than the data alone offered. Researchers can save many lives when they can quickly understand the relationships and the causes by having the text data available.
Crime Prevention: Stop Human Trafficking
Human trafficking affects over?. It is a devastating crime that reaches vulnerable populations, such as children. Many have a strong desire to see this crime stopped. One of those is Tom Sabo, who was very disturbed by this issue after attending a human trafficking symposium. He?.
Using text analytics and AI, he was able to create useful models that law enforcement could use. One model pulled together several text-based data sources: police reports, newspaper articles, recent prosecutions, and a shady classified advertising website. The goal was to find relevant patterns in the text that Sabo could then incorporate into a predictive analytics model.
Sabo used the police statements from a specific New York jurisdiction. He then linked this data to other events outside of the state and even outside of the country.
He saw these trends related not only to who was involved, but also, where the events were happening.
This model was subsequently used to identify these situations quicker and allowed law enforcement to act.
Pinpoint Your Companys Opportunity to Turn Text into Action
With the growth and availability of unstructured text data, companies have tremendous opportunities before them. But having a desire to embrace text mining and predictive analytics is not enough. You need to first understand where you are as a company analytically, and you need to create a plan for how to embrace these new opportunities. Understanding where you stand currently will help identify what your next step should be and prevent you from biting off more than you can chew.
If you have any questions about how your company can use your free-form text,?. Wed love to hear from you!
Group Assignment 2: Persona Creation for Houston Clinic
Personas are widely used in business and help businesses intimately know their customers to market to them effectively. In this assignment, we will develop a persona based on descriptive data summaries. This activity is loosely based on how personas are created within a workplace. At the very least, we lay the foundation for approaching persona creation in a workplace. Each business has multiple personas but often identifies a single persona to concentrate marketing efforts.
Objective: Create a persona for Houston Clinic using the data provided. The persona creation should be guided by the template provided in Appendix A. Please note that groups can work on any variations of this template to effectively communicate their findings.
The client for this assignment is Houston Clinic (please see attached PowerPoint slides for an intro to the client and the type of data that was collected). The second file attached with this assignment is the Houston Clinic Data on customer profiles and behaviors. Please note that there is an individual (15 points) and group component (15 points) to this assignment (a total of 30 points).
Step 1) Students in a group are supposed to go over the Houston Clinic Data individually and (individually) create a persona (along the format presented in Appendix A) based on your understanding of the data.
Step 2) Students then meet as a group with the personas that they developed. Discuss exciting and challenging aspects of the persona developed by group members. The group members work together to develop a final persona to be delivered to Houston Clinic. This final persona should not be just a copy of a persona developed by one of the group members. It can be an evolution of one or more personas identified individually by group members.
Step 3) The deliverable will be a single document that contains the groups final persona for Houston Clinic and the individual persona developed by group members, respectively.
The format of the final document should look as below:
Page 1: Title page with Group Number and List of Members
Page 2: Blank
Page 3 Final Persona for Houston Clinic as decided by the Group.
Page 4: Blank
Page 5: Persona developed by Member 1 (Please put the name of the member at the top of the page)
Page 6: Persona developed by Member 2 (Please put the name of the member at the top of the page)
Page 7: Persona developed by Member 3 (Please put the name of the member at the top of the page)
Page 8: Persona developed by Member 3 (Please put the name of the member at the top of the page)

MKT 4123
Persona Creation for Houston Clinic
Group 7
Joseph Moyalan
Taffy Wang
Jaelyn Evans
Rui Hou
Group persona
Joseph Moyalan
Taffy Wang
Jaelyn Evans
Rui Hou
HOUSTON CLINIC Primary Persona 1. How old are they? 2. Are they male or female? 3. Where do they live? 4. What is their level of education? 5. What are their interests and hobbies? 6. Where do they work? 7. Do they have a family? 8. What are they passionate about? 9. What is their name?
Houston Clinic Website AGE RANGES GENDER
Houston Clinic Instagram
Houston Clinic Facebook
Houston Clinic Twitter

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