08 Mar GLG111 – What does aphanitic and phaneritic mean
GLG111 Review
1. What does aphanitic and phaneritic mean?
2. What are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks?
3. What does felsic and mafic mean?
4. What does sorted mean in sedimentary rocks?
5. What is the rock cycle?
6. How do rocks “tell a geologic story or history?
7. What are the are generally like on Mars and the Moon.
8. Do detailed classifications of rocks exist?
9. What is the classification and mineral / material characteristics of each igneous rock? (Felsic/ Mafic/ intrusive/ extrusive / volcanic/ plutonic/ what common minerals / glass)
a. Rhyolite
b. Granite
c. Andesite
d. Diorite
e. Basalt
f. Gabbro
10.What are two types of volcanic igneous rocks associated with hot spots and location examples?
11.What is a volcanic rock that is associated with volcanism produced at subduction zones?
12.What is an igneous rock that is most likely to have abundant plagioclase feldspar?
13.What is an igneous rock that is most likely to have abundant potassium feldspar?
14.What an igneous rock is commonly generated at mid-ocean ridges and makes pillow lava?
15.What are the main mineral components of each sedimentary rock?
a. Conglomerate
b. Sandstone
c. Siltstone
d. Shale
e. Black shale
f. Limestone
g. Dolostone
h. Halite