08 Mar GEOG1710 Effect of solid waste on the quality of underground
GEOG 1710 Northapton Effect of solid waste on the quality of underground water Essay
2. At least 3 peer reviewed journal articles.
3. At least 2 other references and reference to the relevant part of the textbook.
4. Approved topic that is of interest to you individually. You need to bring me suggestions – office
hours or email
Grading criteria:
1. The above requirement parameters are met. (60%)
2. The essay demonstrated an appropriate level of understanding of the peer reviewed level articles. (10 %)
3. The ancillary articles are used to build enough knowledge to supplement the Intro level textbook bridging the gap towards understanding the higher-level peer reviewed research. (10%)
4. The student has demonstrated to ability to make links between the basic geology introduction
and more advanced material of personal interest. (10%)
5. All works are cited and quoted or paraphrased appropriately. (10%) You may choose the citation system you are most comfortable with (APA, MLA etc.) but it must be used consistently and correctly.
Essays will be submitted electronically and expect them to be sent through anti plagiarism software and
checked for similar cheating issues.