07 Apr Identify the Intelligence Community’s role and public service mission (private corporate mission if applicable)- provide intelligence to decision-makers (political, defense, diplomatic, dev
- Academic level: College
- Type: Essay (any type)
- Subject: Political science
- Topic: Intelligence Community Displayed in Media – Criminal Minds TV Show
- Style: MLA
- Number of pages: 1 pages/double spaced (275 words)
- PowerPoint slides: 0
- Number of source/references: 1
- Extra features: –
Order instructions:
Identify the Intelligence Community's role and public service mission (private corporate mission if applicable)- provide intelligence to decision-makers (political, defense, diplomatic, development, law enforcement, corporate) (2.5 points)
What is the intelligence organization (Agency or organization) being conveyed (fictional or real life)?
Who is the intelligence customer?
The relationship in the film between the intelligence professional and the decision-maker (individual, organization, etc.) (2.5 points)
Consider the intelligence cycle through the film (is the film considering planning and coordination, collections, processing, analysis and production, reporting and dissemination) (2.5 points)
Consider the substantive scope of the intelligence being produced (diplomatic, military, economic, operational, estimative, etc.) (2.5)
Consider the intelligence discipline(s) being introduced through the film (humint, sigint, osint, imint, geoint, socimint, etc.) (2.5)
Contemplate and internalize the moral/ethical dilemma for the intelligence professional or policymaker (2.5 points)
Consider the challenge of balancing transparency and accountability in a democracy, public safety and security, and protecting sources and methods (to include operators/operations in the field) (2.5 points)
Evaluate the policymakers consideration of the threat and risk to the "public" (2.5 points)
Evaluate the intelligence professional's consideration of threat and risk to country (or organization), the mission (process), and/or the intelligence data or finished report (product) (2.5 points)