23 Jul ITECC 4205 Research Paper
ITECC 4205 Research Paper
This assessment, the research paper and presentation, is worth 25 points or 25% of your overall
course grade. There is two parts to this assessment so please read this entire document before
you do anything else.
Make sure that your topic is pre-approved!!!! Choose one of the provided topics OR make sure
that I have pre-approved your topic.
The primary objective of the research paper is to provide opportunity to isolate a topic of your
own interest relating to anything we’ve covered this semester, including your readings,
discussion topics, or assignments. You will explore the topic in depth, making sure that you are
using the school’s online library GALILEO. You may use other research tools, but please be
sure that you reference all sources including at least two articles from GALILEO. Remember
that you can search twitter for the hashtag #ITEC4205 and find lots of up-to-date topics. From
the online library GALILEO, you are to retrieve, use, and cite a minimum of TWO articles
about your topic.
You are to write a minimum 2,000-word paper that includes:
• Your findings on the specific pre-approved topic that you have chosen. Make sure that
your topic has been pre-approved by Dr. Mercer.
• Your thoughts and reactions about your findings and the importance of the topic to
today’s technological world.
• How effectively (or ineffectively) individuals and organizations address the issues you
found about your topic.
• Close with what you have learned about the topic and its importance to you as an IT
The format:
• The first page should be a title page that contains: “your name”, “ITEC 4205”, “Research
Paper”, the topic you chose, and the date.
• The overall format of the paper is as follows:
o all margins at 1 inch; o use the Times New Roman 12-pt. font; o
DOUBLE SPACE the essay;
o page numbers in the lower right corner;
o the title page is page “0” and the page number does not print on the
title page.
• Content from your articles and any other sources must be correctly cited and referenced.
Refrain from copying word-for-word text. The paper must be written in your own words.
Refer back to the syllabus and the policy on academic misconduct. Do not plagiarize.
• The filename of the research paper is to be as follows: your last name your first name
ITEC 4205 Research Paper
I expect well written sentences with spelling and grammar checked. Your submission should be
formatted properly. Carefully proofread before you turn in your final work. Make sure that you
read it out loud before you turn it in as well so that you find awkward and run-on sentences that
many grammar checkers will not find. I will use the Research Paper Grading Rubric to evaluate
this assignment.
If the research paper is submitted past the deadline or it is less than the required page count, it
will automatically incur a 50% penalty. Another 10% penalty will be applied for each additional
24-hour period the paper is considered past due, or for each 350 words that is less than the
required word count, or for papers that did not use content nor reference at least two articles
retrieved from GALILEO. The word count does not include the title page or the reference list.
The research paper is posted in D2L. When you submit your paper, you are also to submit PDF
copies of the two articles you obtained from GALILEO. Don’t forget these as they are part of
the assessment as well.
For this assessment, worth 5 points, post a 5-7 minute video presentation about your research
that includes:
• Your thoughts and reactions about your findings and the importance of the topic to
today’s technological world.
• How effectively (or ineffectively) individuals and organizations address the issues you
found about your topic.
• Closes with what you have learned about the topic and its importance to you as an IT
• Check spelling and formatting.
Make sure sources of information are cited when necessary and references are provided at the
end of the presentation. You will be graded on the quality of the presentation.
Post the PowerPoint, Google Slides presentation, or a link to the presentation on the
platform of your choice (Canva, Google Slides, or other tool) in the discussion topic titled
“Research Paper Presentations” by the paper due date as stated in D2L. This is worth five
points of your final course grade.
Please note: You will not be eligible for a grade for a presentation if you did not submit the
research paper by its deadline.