26 Nov Students will write a summarizing the impact of one of the topics listed below has had on society, the individuals (suspect and/or victim) and community.? This assignment will be wort
Students will write a summarizing the impact of one of the topics listed below has had on society, the individuals (suspect and/or victim) and community. This assignment will be worth a total of 100 points.
Students will write a paper summarizing the impact of one of the topics listed below has had on society, the individuals (suspect and/or victim) and community. This assignment will be worth a total of 100 points.
You must write on one of these specific topics:
· Habitual offender/Three Strikes Laws
· Sexually-based offenses
· Murder/Homicide
Your paper should be five pages of content, a title page, and reference page formatted using APA format. You should use Times New Roman, 12-point font. You must use at least four credible sources, which should be cited properly. Your work should be double-spaced.
The laws surrounding the offenses listed above vary by state and have changed in the recent years. For this paper you need to discuss the following:
· You should trace the history of the law in your state. How has it changed over the years? Is the change for the better or worse? How does it compare to neighboring states?
· Research statistics. How does the law and punishment impact the individuals involved? What is the court's impact? How does law enforcement impact the offender and victim? What about the corrections branch of the CJUS system?
· How has the implementation of these laws impacted society and the community as a whole? Consider sex trafficking, drug crimes (in relation to habitual offender laws), and murder in self-defense. There have been many cases recently in the news on these topics. How have the responses by law enforcement, the courts, and corrections impacted the society as a whole and our communities?
As a reminder, your paper must be based on facts and evidence and must be supported by research. The attached rubric will be used for grading. Please review it before submitting your paper. This is a mandatory assignment. Your grade will not be dropped.
Final Paper – Criminal Law
Final Paper – Criminal Law
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeINTRODUCTION
10 pts
-Clearly outlines the law chosen and gives thorough introduction of what the paper is about. Thesis is clearly defined.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
Gives a brief outline of what the paper is about. Thesis is not clearly defined.
0 pts
Does not give an outline of what the paper is about. Does not contain a thesis.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of law
10 pts
-Clear summary of the history behind the law and how it has changed over the years.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
Vague summary of the history of the law and how it has changed over the years.
0 pts
No summary of the history of the law and how it has changed over the years.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLaw Enforcement Impact
10 pts
Clearly defines how law enforcement's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
Vaguely defines how law enforcement's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
0 pts
No mention of how law enforcement's response has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCourt Impact
10 pts
Clearly defines how the Court's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
Vaguely defines how the Court's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
0 pts
Do not defines how the Court's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrections
10 pts
Clearly defines how the correction's system response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
Vaguely defines how the corrections system's response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
0 pts
Does not define how the correction's system response to the law has impacted the victim, offender, society, and community.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIn-text References
10 pts
-Includes parenthetical references to thorough & varied research; uses proper format to cite references
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
-Includes parenthetical references to some research, but may be incomplete or references are not cited properly
0 pts
-Includes few, if any, parenthetical references to research and/or references are not cited properly within the paper
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONCLUSION
10 pts
-Clearly summarizes the topic; describes what you learned about.
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
-Summarizes the topic; Includes one interesting fact about what you learned about the topic.
0 pts
-No summary of the topic; no interesting facts about what you learned.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeREFERENCE PAGE
10 pts
-Four or more sources are cited in correct APA format with few, if any, errors
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
-Three or more sources are cited in correct APA format with few errors
0 pts
-Fewer than three sources are cited in correct APA format; May have numerous errors which make format unrecognizable
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
10 pts
-Is organized in a logical, interesting manner
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
-Is organized inconsistently or is somewhat illogical
0 pts
-Is organized inappropriately or ineffectively for the selected topic or audience
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence-Structure/Grammar/Mechanics
10 pts
-Contains varied sentence structure; Has few, if any, grammar and mechanical errors
5 pts
Somewhat Effective
-Sentence structure may demonstrate problems or lack variety; Has some grammatical or mechanical errors that interfere with understanding
0 pts
-Sentence structure problems interfere with communication; Has numerous grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with understanding