18 Dec Install and configure an IDE
CST-105: Topic 1 DQ 1
The following assesses your ability to do the following. Demonstrate your work:
1. Install and configure an IDE (integrated development environment) as directed by your instructor.
2. Create a Java project called MyFirstProject. Add a Java class to the project called Introduction. Add a main method to the class. Write a program that displays the following information.
Where there are < >, fill in your own information. Be sure to include your name and any other initial comments at the top of your file. My name is < >. My favorite color is < >. If I won the lottery, I would < >.
3. Display the Eclipse about dialog. This is done by selecting the About Eclipse IDE option off the Help menu. Make sure to move the dialog down so the code can be seen behind the dialog.
4. Include comments on any challenges you experienced, as well as the skills learned, and submit a screenshot of the Eclipse window. It will look similar to the following:
For this activity, you will need to install Eclipse for Java. Refer to the instructions in the “Video Playlist: Computer Programming I,” located in the topic Resources, to complete the installation. refer to the “Topic 1 DQ 1” document for complete assignment instructions.
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