01 Feb Family Systems In this course, journals will be used to reflect on the learning objectives for the course and how they relate to your development as a professional. The journa
Family Systems
In this course, journals will be used to reflect on the learning objectives for the course and how they relate to your development as a professional. The journal assignments provide an opportunity to connect the readings and professional practices to your own personal and professional experiences. Journal assignments in this course are private between you and the instructor.
Utilizing the developmental concepts of parenting style, social class and cultural variations, and sibling relationships, reflect on your own family experiences or those of another person (either real or fictional) by doing the following:
- Identify and describe one to two key concepts from each area (i.e., parenting style, social class and cultural variations, and sibling relationships).
- Apply the key concepts to either your experiences and development as an individual or the experiences and development of the person chosen for this assignment. Consider how influential or impactful each concept was in terms of development.
- Provide a self-reflection about which key concept holds the greatest influence on you or the person chosen to this day. Which key concept do you believe has contributed most to your drive to complete this educational program or to the selected person's drive for success in their career?
What to Submit
Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal assignment must follow APA Style citations and be a minimum of 350 to a maximum of 750 words.
Module Eight Journal Rubric
CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement (70%)Not Evident (0%)ValueIdentify Key ConceptsMeets “Proficient” criteria and provides highly detailed descriptions of the selected conceptsJournal provides clear description of selected key conceptsJournal provides description of selected key concepts but lacks detailsJournal does not provide a description of selected key concepts30Apply Key ConceptsMeets “Proficient” criteria and includes detailed examples of the described impact of development for each selected conceptJournal clearly provides a description and rationale for how each of selected concepts applies to the development of the individual selected for application using specific detailsJournal clearly provides a description and rationale for how each of selected concepts applies to the development of the individual selected for application but lacks detailsJournal does not provide a description and rationale for how each of selected concepts applies to the development of the individual selected for application30Self-ReflectionMeets “Proficient” criteria and utilizes highly detailed examples that clearly support the connection of the one key concept to the educational or occupational pursuit of the chosen individualJournal provides evidence of reflection on how one key concept played an impactful role in the student’s educational pursuit or the educational or occupational pursuit of the chosen individual using relevant detailsJournal attempts to provide evidence of reflection on how one key concept played an impactful role in the student’s educational pursuit or the educational or occupational pursuit of the chosen individual but lacks relevant detailsJournal does not provide evidence of reflection on how one key concept played an impactful role in the student’s educational pursuit or the educational or occupational pursuit of the chosen individual30Articulation of ResponseJournal is free of errors in organization and grammarJournal is mostly free of errors of organization and grammar; errors are marginal and rarely interrupt the flowJournal contains errors of organization and grammar, but they are limited enough so that journal can be understoodJournal contains errors of organization and grammar making the journal difficult to understand