Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This week you will be searching the internet for two resources that add to your understanding of the lesson material in chapter 1 of your textbook by Chase on Demystifying Deman - EssayAbode

This week you will be searching the internet for two resources that add to your understanding of the lesson material in chapter 1 of your textbook by Chase on Demystifying Deman

Assignment instructions are attached. Below is the link to the reading assignment. Also, the assignment template is attached.  

2/5/24, 1:52 PM Week 1: Assignment 1 – SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024 – APEI 1/2

Week 1: Assignment 1

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SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024 LE

Assignments Week 1: Assignment 1

Week 1 Assignment: Research & Essay

Course Objectives:

CO1:Research online resources

Assignment Prompt and Instructions:

This week you will be searching the internet for two resources that add to your

understanding of the lesson material in chapter 1 of your textbook by Chase on

Demystifying Demand Forecasting. Use the template attached to this assignment for

your submission. Start your search by first listing key search terms you will use to

locate two resources for this essay. Then, search in YouTube, Google, Bing, or any other

search engine for a resource that adds to your knowledge of forecasting. Do not

source "for-purchase options" such as consultancies or statistical software. As

an example, you could source a YouTube video that expands your understanding of the

basics of forecasting demand from either the demand or supply side. You will have four

sections in this 1000-word paper.

1. Overview of subject(s) searched for including key-terms used to search

2. Resource 1: Hyperlink the title of the resource, then complete a thorough review

of the content

3. Resource 2: Hyperlink the title of the resource, then complete a thorough review

of the content

4. Summarize what you learned that added to your understanding of forecasting

Assignment Instructions:

Utilize the template attached below for this assignment. Label your submission

document as follows: firstinitiallastname_Assignment1.docx (ex:


Minimum 1000 words of content of strategic material, double spaced. Content

requirement does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages

Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (7th edition) style and


Once you submit your document to the assignment folder it will automatically be

loaded to TURNITIN.COM for this course.

Plagiarism in any form will result in an automatic zero for this assignment:Submit Cancel

2/5/24, 1:52 PM Week 1: Assignment 1 – SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024 – APEI 2/2

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Due on Feb 11, 2024 11:59 PM


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Using another author's exact words without quotations AND without an

in-text citation

Paraphrasing by changing a couple of another author's words and

claiming them to be your own.

Using another student's submission in any form will be considered


There are no late assignments accepted after the last day of the course unless:

(a) prior approval has been obtained from the professor or (b) you have an

approved 30 day extension.





Chapter 1 Resources

Student Name

American Public University

COURSE SCMG305: Global Demand Mgt.

Instructor Name

Due Date

Introduction & Overview

Key Search Terms:

Resource 1


Summary of content:

Resource 2


Summary of content:



Lastname, C. (2008). Title of the source without caps except Proper Nouns or: First word after colon. The Journal or Publication Italicized and Capped, Vol#(Issue#), Page numbers.

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