Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This week,?we have examined God's ideal for friendship. Friends can be amazing resources to help us grow in godliness. They can also influence towards ungodliness.? God made humans for r - EssayAbode

This week,?we have examined God’s ideal for friendship. Friends can be amazing resources to help us grow in godliness. They can also influence towards ungodliness.? God made humans for r

This week, we have examined God's ideal for friendship. Friends can be amazing resources to help us grow in godliness. They can also influence towards ungodliness. 

God made humans for relationships; with Him; and with each other. Good and godly friendships are a blessing from the LORD.

In 300-350 words, discuss at least two aspects you learned about friendship you learned in the material from this week. Reflect on your own life in light of that material. Perhaps the material made you realize you could be a better friend in a certain way? Or you now have a new ideal of friendship in mind? Perhaps it makes you reflect on former friendships you wished would have been different? 

The posts should be appropriately formatted, with proper grammar, as well as citation using a (parentheses) at the end of a sentence that draws on class mater

Dialogue Instructions and Grading Rubric

Grading will be based on the following rubric. Please read it carefully.

Grading Rubric

100 Points Total

Excellent Points: 50-45

Good Points: 44-40

Fair Points: 39-35

Poor Points: 34-30

Fail Points: <30

Points for Section

Thesis, Content Knowledge and

Biblical Integration

The essay includes a focused, polished thesis or sophisticated organizing principle, and develops a convincing position. Demonstrates exceptional knowledge, insight and understanding of the subject matter. The points are grounded in a solid knowledge of the historical readings and are backed up with strong evidence. Demonstrates the ability to think critically and to integrate and apply knowledge through the lens of Scripture. Relies on thoughtful,

The essay includes an appropriate, focused thesis or organizing principle, and develops a clear position, as appropriate to the assignment. Demonstrates good knowledge, insight, and understanding of the content. The points show adequate knowledge of the historical readings and are backed up with some evidence. A Christian worldview is stated and generally applied. Relies on basic scriptural

The essay includes a thesis or organizing principle and develops a position, although the position might not be exceptionally focused, polished, or convincing. Demonstrates basic knowledge, insight, and understanding of the content. The ideas discussed are based on knowledge of the text but perhaps they are not as well-supported with well-chosen evidence from the historical readings. Some aspects of a Christian worldview are stated, but inadequately and/or erroneously applied.

The essay lacks an evident organizing principle or thesis statement and fails to adequately develop a clear or convincing position. Demonstrates limited understanding of assignment issues. They may be vague or unclear, failing to show a genuine knowledge of the reading material or historical readings. The writing may not meet the quality required for college- level writing. The posts demonstrate little or no knowledge of the basic themes and truths of Scripture and Christianity or the

Assignment failed to meet the requirements or was not submitted by deadline

scriptural exegesis to support position

exegesis to support position.

Biblical “proof- texting” is utilized.

Bible is rarely used to support theological positions.

Comments: [Enter any comments here]

Excellent Points: 25-23

Good Points: 22-20

Fair Points: 19-18

Poor Points: 17-15

Fail Points: <15

Points for Section

Presentation & Format

Postings are exceptionally concise, clear, with consistently proper formatting, grammar, spelling, and paragraphing. The posts are substantive and exceed the minimal requirements of lengths and posting deadlines. Student always responds to instructor questions in the discussion board.

Postings are concise, clear, with proper formatting, grammar, spelling, and paragraphing with minimal errors. The posts are substantive and meet the required lengths and posting deadlines. Student frequently responds to instructor questions in the discussion board.

The postings contain errors in formatting, grammar, spelling, and/or paragraphing. The posts meet the required lengths and meet the posting deadlines. Student sometimes responds to instructor questions in the discussion board.

Numerous and obvious grammatical, spelling, and stylistic errors undermine reader comprehension. They may not meet the required deadlines, word counts, or number of posts. Student does not respond to instructor questions in the discussion board.

Assignment failed to meet the requirements or was not submitted by deadline

Comments: [Enter any comments here]

Excellent Points: 25-23

Good Points: 22-20

Fair Points: 19-18

Poor Points: 17-15

Fail Points: <15

Points for Section

Critical Thinking

Demonstrates exceptional work through the consistent use of a clear and logical progression of points and conclusions. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates major

Demonstrates proficiency through the use of a clear and logical progression of points and conclusions. Offers analysis and evaluations of obvious alternative points of

Inconsistent application of logic in presenting a progression of points and conclusions. Offers limited analysis and evaluations of some alternative points of view, but quickly dismisses these

Logical reasoning and progression of points are virtually absent. Fails to identify or hastily dismisses strong, relevant counter‐arguments. Makes no connections to previous or current content or to real‐life situations.

Assignment failed to meet the requirements or was not submitted by deadline

alternative points of view, addresses contradictory evidence, and constructs persuasive and compelling arguments. Makes clear connections to previous or current content and to real‐ life situations.

view; fair‐mindedly follows where evidence and reasons lead. Makes connections to previous or current content and to real life situations.

points. Makes occasional connections to previous or current content or to real life situations.

Comments: [Enter any comments here]

A A- Work of superior quality in all areas. Work displays a mastery of course content at the highest level of attainment appropriate for the

undergraduate level: outstanding quality of thought; excellent understanding of the course content and demonstration of skills associated with the

course; a creative and critical engagement with the material; and an ability to analyze and evaluate the knowledge and ideas that shows talent for

undergraduate work. Work shows practical or personal application of course content in specific assignments, as appropriate. The grade for such

work will vary from A to A- according to the quality and quantity of the work.

B+ B B- Strong performance demonstrating a high level of attainment appropriate for the undergraduate level: high quality of thought; solid understanding

of the course content and demonstration of skills associated with the course; an engagement with the material that shows good comprehension of

the subject; and an ability to analyze and evaluate the knowledge and ideas in the course. Work shows practical or personal application of course

content in specific assignments, as appropriate. The grade for such work will vary from B+ to B- according to the quality and quantity of the work.

C+ C C- Satisfactory performance demonstrating an adequate level of attainment appropriate for the undergraduate level: competent quality of thought; acceptable understanding of the course content and demonstration of skills associated with the course; an engagement with the course that shows adequate ability to analyze and evaluate; and adequate comprehension of the subject. Work shows practical or personal application of course content in specific assignments, as appropriate The grade will vary from C+ to C- according to the quality and quantity of the work.

D+ D D- Marginal performance demonstrating a minimal passing level of attainment appropriate for the undergraduate level. The student’s work indicates poor quality of thought and poor comprehension of course content. Work shows practical or personal application of course content in specific assignments, as appropriate.

F Unacceptable performance. The student’s work indicates major deficiencies in learning and reveals little or no understanding of course content. This grade denotes either unacceptable performance in spite of some effort, or failure to complete the assigned work.

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