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To complete the Performance Lab Report Template: Summarize in three to five sentences the key lessons learned from completing these labs: ?Table listing the lab numbers and names to

 To complete the Performance Lab Report Template:

  • Summarize in three to five sentences the key lessons learned from completing these labs:

 Table listing the lab numbers and names to be included in the lab report. 


This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Note the following:

  • Use the Performance Lab Report 2 Template to complete this assignment.
  • The preferred method is for your paper to be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Be clear, straightforward, and thorough but concise. Avoid repetition. As much as possible stay within the three to five sentences in-length guideline.
  • Use the third person. Avoid using first-person pronouns, such as "I" or "we."

Table describing what to say and what not to say

 Say This Completing Lab 5.3.19, Configuring VLAN, demonstrated the importance of . . . 

Not This From completing Lab 5.3.19, Configuring VLAN, I learned . . .

  • Complete the cover page in the Performance Lab Report 2 Template, including the assignment title, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date.

 Learning Outcomes

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate common security failures and identify the specific design principles involved to determine appropriate measures for mitigation.
  • Evaluate potential system attacks and the actors that might perform them.
  • Propose a security program involving cyber defense tools, methods, and components to prepare a system to repel attacks.

Performance Lab Report 2 Template

Due in Week 6

Strayer University CIS502 Theories of Security Management

Performance Lab Report 2

Submitted by:

Aisha Garris

February 8, 2024


· Column 1 provides the lab number, title, and a brief description of the lab.

· In Column 2 you will summarize in three to five sentences the key lessons you learned from completing the lab.


Key Lessons Learned

(No more than 3 to 5 sentences)

Chapter 5

5.2.1 Using Ettercap for ARP Spoofing

In this lab, you will use Ettercap for address resolution protocol (ARP) spoofing. Ettercap is an open source network security tool. It can be used for security audit and ARP spoofing.

5.3.1 Obtaining Hardware Information of a Network Adapter

In this lab, you will obtain hardware information of a network adapter. A network adapter is the component of a computer's internal hardware that is used for communicating over a network with another computer.

5.3.5 Getting the TCP Settings

In this lab, you will get the transmission control protocol (TCP) settings. TCP settings are optimized for different network conditions, including latency and congestion.

5.3. 7 Getting the UDP Settings

In this lab, you will get the user datagram protocol (UDP) settings. UDP communicates with the user by sending data over an IP network.

5.3.8 Getting Information about the Current Connection Statistics of TCP

In this lab, you will get information about the current connection statistics of TCP. TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data.

5.3.10 Finding the Host Name of a Machine

In this lab, you will find the host name of a machine. A host name is a label assigned to a device connected to a computer network. The hose name is also used to identify the device.

5.3.11 Finding the Physical Address of a LAN Adapter

In this lab, you will find the physical address of a local area network (LAN) adapter. A LAN adapter connects a computer or computing device to a network.

5.3.12 Finding the Logical Address of a LAN Adapter

In this lab, you will find the logical address of a LAN adapter. A LAN adapter connects a computer or computing device to a network.

5.6.7 Performing a DoS Attack with the SYN Flood

In this lab, you will perform a denial of service (DoS) attack with the SYN flood. A DoS attack is an attack meant for shutting down the network or a machine and making it inaccessible to its users. A SYN flood is an attack in which the attacker sends a succession of SYN requests to the target's system.

Chapter 6

6.4.1 Creating ACL in Router

In this lab, you will create access control lists (ACL) in router. Access control lists are ordered sets of rules that control the traffic that is permitted or denied the use of a path through the router. These rules can operate at Layer 3, making these decisions on the basis of IP addresses. They can also operate at Layer 4, when only certain types of traffic are allowed based on a TCP or UDP port number. When this is done, the ACL will typically reference a port number of the service or application that is allowed or denied.

Chapter 7

7.2.1 Observing an MD5-Generated Hash Value

In this lab, you will observe an MD5-generated hash value. An MD5 hashing algorithm produces a 128-bit hash value or digest value of an entire file. These hash values can be used to check the file’s data integrity. When a user downloads any file, an attacker can manipulate the file data during the process of sending the file between sites. MD5 gives authentication as to whether or not the file has been manipulated.

7.2.2 Observe an SHA-Generated Hash Value

In this lab, you will observe a SHA-generated hash value. The SHA-256 hashing algorithm produces 1-bit to 256-bit hash values of the entire file. These hash values can be used to check the file’s data integrity. When a user downloads any file, an attacker can manipulate the file data during the processing of sending the file between sites. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique 256-bit (32-byte) signature for a text.

7.4.1 Applying Symmetric Key Encryption

In this lab, you will apply symmetric key encryption. This process encrypts and decrypts the information using the same secret key. You will encrypt a file using the AxCrypt open-source encryption algorithm, which uses the AES algorithm with 128-bit keys.

7.4.2 Using OpenSSL to Create a Public/Private Key Pair

In this lab, you will use OpenSSL to create a public/private key pair. OpenSSL is used for secure communication over the network. It works on the exchange of public keys and authentication by a private key.


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