13 Feb For this week’s discussion forum, I would like for you to do a google search on ‘preparedness and X’ where X is your local jurisdiction. So for example, I would search ‘preparedness’ and
For this week's discussion forum, I would like for you to do a google search on "preparedness and X" where X is your local jurisdiction. So for example, I would search "preparedness" and "Orlando." Write your post this week about the resources you find, and be sure to reference the text and at least one of the videos in your post.
A minimum of 500 words is required.
Required textbook: Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A.A. (2021), Public Health Management of Disasters (5th edition), American Public Health Association. ISBN 9780875533216.
Required Videos to watch for Reference of Assignment: