Chat with us, powered by LiveChat How do the data for each ratio compare to the cutoff points? (The ratio should be greater than 1.50.) 2) ?How does each Ratio compare to the other ratios? 3) Explain why what occurred, o - EssayAbode

How do the data for each ratio compare to the cutoff points? (The ratio should be greater than 1.50.) 2) ?How does each Ratio compare to the other ratios? 3) Explain why what occurred, o

1.) How do the data for each ratio compare to the cutoff points? (The ratio should be greater than 1.50.)

2)  How does each Ratio compare to the other ratios?

3) Explain why what occurred, occurred and its implications. Should the organization be concerned? Can it be corrected? How? You needed to explore the internet for information about Bay City, Texas in 2022 so that you can answer why what occurred, and its implications. 

Abridged Budget

Abridged Budget for Bay City, Texas, 2022
Combined Revenue and Expenditures Summary
Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Amended Budget FY 2022 Projected FY 2022 Adopted FY 2023 % Change Budget FY 2022 to Adopted FY 2023
Funding Sources
Property Tax 5,728,874 5,965,544 6,212,202 6,121,770 6,631,192 6.74%
Sales and Use Tax 4,999,150 4,980,165 5,082,000 5,078,250 5,063,000 -0.37%
Franchise Tax 1,258,458 1,263,438 1,298,000 1,273,000 1,361,000 4.85%
Hotel/Motel Tax 666,649 640,386 600,000 615,000 620,000 3.33%
Licenses and Permits 205,985 193,014 193,500 194,895 198,500 2.58%
Charges for Services 10,084,944 10,939,588 11,007,000 11,205,112 12,414,500 12.79%
Fines and Penalties 283,393 331,851 312,300 327,504 335,800 7.52%
Other Revenues/Sources 1,081,024 1,348,616 195,500 225,000 421,500 111%
Miscellaneous 1,951,026 2,535,633 1,561,998 1,752,373 1,818,508 16.42%
Intergovernmental 1,595,999 2,914,125 1,882,000 1,637,000 1,102,000 -41.45%
Prior Fund Balance 2,646,000 1,485,000 -43.88%
Total Revenues & Transfers 27,855,502 31,112,361 30,990,500 28,429,904 31,442,000 1.46%
General Government 3,959,232 3,959,356 4,478,530 4,430,150 4,781,654 6.77%
Streets 3,430,354 3,838,132 4,451,662 4,449,400 4,020,859 -9.68%
Public Safety 4,981,814 5,499,838 5,646,810 5,642,289 5,628,051 -0.33%
Parks & Recreation 2,345,165 2,229,613 2,522,498 2,283,145 2,249,436 -10.83%
Water & Sewer 10,024,756 9,050,489 10,148,000 8,653,369 11,112,000 9.50%
Airport 793,689 897,916 673,000 672,675 873,000 29.72%
Hotel Motel 623,421 649,757 1,017,000 711,230 717,000 -29.50%
Interest & Sinking 1,377,673 4,184,105 2,053,000 2,052,933 2,060,000 0.34%
Total Revenues & Transfers 27,536,105 30,309,206 30,990,500 28,895,191 31,442,000 1.46%
Government-Wide Financial Analysis City of Bay City, Texas Net Position (in dollars)
Total 2022
Curent Assets $ 15,429,273
Capital Assets $ 50,380,696
Total Assets $ 65,815,497
Current Liabilities $ 5,863,375
Noncurrent Liabilities $ 24,983,882
Total Liabilities $ 30,847,257
Restricted Assets $ 7,532,535
Unrestricted Assets $ 27,185,504

Financial Indicators

Bay City, Texas FY 2022
Current, Operating, and Net Asset Ratio
Dollar Amount Ratio
Cash Solvency:
1 Current Ratio Current Assets
Current Liabilites $3
Ratio 2.63
Budget Solvency
2 Operating Ratio Total Revenue
Total Expenses $2
Ratio 2.00
Long-Run Solvency
3 Net Asset Ratio Total Assets
Restricted + Unrestricted Assets $2
Ratio 1.90

Measures of Solvency Ratios for Bay City, TX

FY 2022

Current Ratio Operating Ratio Net Asset Ratio 2.6314661777559851 2 1.8957147032411594

Type of Ratio


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