19 Feb Create a histogram for the variable wait time in Excel:? Review this video to learn how to create a Histogram in ExcelLinks to an external site..? Extra Resource: Create
each question has to be a different file
1.Create a histogram for the variable wait time in Excel:
- Review this video to learn how to create a Histogram in ExcelLinks to an external site..
- Extra Resource: Create a histogramLinks to an external site.
- Use the strategies in the video to create a frequency table of the wait time using the categories (or classes) of 0-20, 21-41, 42-62, 63 – 83, 84 or more minutes.
- Tip: It may be helpful to sort the data based on the wait time variable first.
- Don’t forget that you should have a column for “classes” and a column for “frequencies.”
- Fill in the frequencies of each class.
- After the frequency table is complete, highlight the frequency table, and select Insert, then Recommended Charts, and choose the column chart shown and select OK.
- Right-click on one of the bars and select Format Data Series. In the pop-up box, change the Gap Width to 0.
- Add an appropriate title and axis label.
- Save the file to your computer again and upload the file by selecting the "Choose a File" button below
2. Explain why a histogram would be used to represent the variable wait time versus a bar graph.
Create a pie chart for the variable insurance in excel:
- Review this video to learn how to create a pie chart in excel.Links to an external site.
- First, you have to create a frequency distribution table using the data from insurance column from the database.
Example Table
Here is an example of what your table should look like:
ABInsuranceFrequencyBlue Cross Blue Shield{Type the number of those that have this insurance} Health Select{Type the number of those that have this insurance}
NOTE: This is only an example of what your table should “look” like and how it should be organized. You should have many more insurance companies and the frequencies should be based on what you count (for each insurance company) from the main database.
- Once completed, highlight all of the cells of your completed frequency table, by selecting and dragging your pointer through all of the cells.
- Select on Insert, and then Recommended Charts.
- Select to select the Pie Chart.
- Select on the pie slices, right-click Add Data Labels, and select Add Data Callouts. Add an appropriate title.
- Make sure to highlight percentages on each sector.
- For some of you, the options to add titles and format your pie chart are located in your toolbar(s); so, explore your own version of Excel
- Save the worksheet to your computer and upload your file by selecting the "Choose a File" button below.
4. What is the most utilized insurance company among those that are surveyed in this database? Include the percentage to support your statement.
5. Create a bar graph for the variable satisfaction in excel:
- Review this video to learn how to create a bar graph in excel.Links to an external site.
- Use the strategies in the video to create a frequency table of the satisfaction levels using the categories: Completely Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Average, Satisfied, and Completely Satisfied.
- Tip: It may be helpful to sort the data based on the satisfaction variable first.
- Don’t forget that you should have a column for “Satisfaction Levels” and a column for “frequencies”.
- Fill in the frequencies of each category.
- After the frequency table is complete, highlight the frequency table, and select Insert, then Recommended Charts, and choose the column chart shown and select OK.
- Add an appropriate title and axis label.
- Save the file to your computer again and upload the file by selecting the "Choose a File" button below.
6. Make a statement based on the bar graph created. Research ideas on how satisfaction levels can be improved. Make sure to cite at least one source.
7. Looking at “Out of Pocket Pay”, what would be the best way to display this data? Why? What key points would you expect the viewer to extract from the graph?View keyboard shortcutsEditViewInsertFormatToolsTable12ptParagraph
Looking at “Out of Pocket Pay”, what would be the best way to display this data? Why? What key points would you expect the viewer to extract from the graph?View keyboard shortcutsEditViewInsertFormatToolsTable12ptParagraph
Criteria |
Ratings |
Create a Histogram Using software (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.) |
7 Points Proficient Student created the Histogram correctly with the appropriate number of bars and class width. |
5 Points Above Average Student created a Histogram with the correct number of bars, but the frequencies are incorrect due to an incorrect class width. |
3 Points Average Student created a Histogram with the wrong number of bars, but it is based on the correct data. |
2 Points Needs Improvement The student created a Bar Graph (Did not fix gap width) or some other major mistakes were found such as drawing a graph on paper. |
0 Points No Effort The student did not attach work for review OR the Histogram was made with the wrong data set. |
Histogram Analysis |
10 Points Proficient Student discusses key characteristics of why a Histogram is used versus a Bar Graph highlighting characteristics of both graphs. |
7 Points Above Average Student discusses key characteristics of why a Histogram is used versus a Bar Graph but only highlights characteristics of a Histogram. |
4 Points Needs Improvement Student does not discuss key components of why a Histogram would be used versus a Bar Graph. |
0 Points No Effort The student does not have an answer for review. |
Create a Pie Chart Using software (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.) |
7 Points Proficient Student created the Pie Chart correctly with the appropriate number of sectors, appropriate title, and percentage callouts. |
5 Points Above Average Student created a Pie Chart with the correct number of sectors but is missing appropriate tile and/or percentage callouts. The pie chart is made |
3 Points Average Student created a Pie Chart with the wrong number of sectors, but it is based on the correct data. |
2 Points Needs Improvement The student created use a different type of graph or some other major mistakes were found such as drawing a graph on paper. |
0 Points No Effort The student did not attach work for review OR the pie chart was made with the wrong data set. |
Pie Chart Analysis |
10 Points Proficient The student chooses the correct answer and highlights the percentage to support their answer. |
7 Points Above Average The student chooses the correct answer but does NOT highlight the percentage to support their answer. |
5 Points Average The student chooses the incorrect answer but the pie chart was constructed correctly. |
3 Points Needs Improvement The student chooses the correct answer based on pie chart that was constructed incorrectly (based on the correct data). |
0 Points No Effort The student does not have an answer for review. |
Create a Bar Graph Using software (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.) |
7 Points Proficient Student created the Bar Graph correctly with the appropriate number of bars, appropriate title and axis labels. |
5 Points Above Average Student created a Bar Graph with the correct number of bars, but it is missing a tile or axis labels. OR The student changed the order of the bars which could make the graph Misleading. |
3 Points Average Student created a Bar Graph with the wrong number of bars, but it is based on the correct data OR The graph is correct but it is missing both the title and axis labels. |
2 Points Needs Improvement The student submitted a graph that was not a bar graph or some other major mistakes were found such as drawing a graph on paper. |
0 Points No Effort The student did not attach work for review OR the Bar Graph was made with the wrong data set. |
Bar Graph Analysis |
12 Points Proficient The student makes an inference based on the graph AND The student provides research of how patient satisfaction can be improved in the ER AND The student cites at least one source. |
8 Points Above Average The student makes an inference based on the graph AND The student provides research of how patient satisfaction can be improved in the ER but does not provide at least one source. |
7 Points Average The student makes an inference based on the graph OR The student provides research of how patient satisfaction can be improved in the ER AND The student cites at least one source. |
4 Points Needs Improvement The student makes an inference based on the graph OR The student provides research of how patient satisfaction can be improved in the ER but the student does not cite at least one source. |
0 Points No Effort The student does not have an answer for review. |
Determining an appropriate graph. |
12 Points Proficient The student chooses the correct type of graph to display the assigned data AND The student provides proficient reasoning to why the graph selected should be constructed AND The student discusses key points that a viewer of the graph would extract if the graph was constructed. |
8 Points Above Average The student chooses the correct type of graph to display the assigned data AND The student provides basic reasoning to why the graph selected should be constructed AND The student discusses key points that a viewer of the graph would extract if the graph was constructed. |
7 Points Average The student does not choose the correct type of graph to display the assigned data AND The student provides reasoning to why the graph selected should be constructed AND The student discusses key points that a viewer of the graph would extract if the graph was constructed. |
4 Points Needs Improvement The student does not choose the correct type of graph to display the assigned data AND The student provides reasoning to why the graph selected should be constructed OR The student discusses key points that a viewer of the graph would extract if the graph was |
0 Points No Effort The student does not have an answer for review. |
Wait Time | Age | Weight | Height | Temp | Insurance | Out of Pocket Pay | Income | Satisfaction |
35 | 40 | 165 | 69 | 99 | Stone | 25 | 180000 | 5 |
75 | 27 | 118 | 64 | 98 | No Insurance | 120 | 65500 | 2 |
43 | 23 | 135 | 66 | 98.9 | Blue Cross | 20 | 60000 | 5 |
78 | 39 | 180 | 69 | 101 | PPPlan | 30 | 50000 | 1 |
81 | 35 | 208 | 71 | 99 | Stone | 20 | 70000 | 4 |
25 | 21 | 125 | 68 | 102 | Shield | 20 | 85000 | 2 |
15 | 56 | 275 | 69 | 99.9 | No Insurance | 200 | 60000 | 3 |
10 | 21 | 115 | 54 | 100.1 | Shield | 30 | 40000 | 2 |
88 | 25 | 189 | 68 | 98 | Stone | 30 | 85000 | 4 |
90 | 77 | 190 | 67 | 103 | PPPlan | 25 | 67000 | 1 |
35 | 19 | 158 | 73 | 102 | Stone | 40 | 45000 | 4 |
45 | 72 | 154 | 68 | 102 | PPPlan | 50 | 50000 | 2 |
28 | 30 | 220 | 67 | 101.5 | Stone | 15 | 55000 | 3 |
20 | 20 | 134 | 60 | 99 | PPPlan | 20 | 108000 | 5 |
75 | 24 | 145 | 61 | 103 | Blue Cross | 25 | 95000 | 2 |
60 | 50 | 176 | 69 | 98.7 | Shield | 25 | 88000 | 3 |
80 | 22 | 230 | 73 | 98.7 | No Insurance | 300 | 95000 | 3 |
44 | 19 | 215 | 68 | 101 | No Insurance | 100 | 60000 | 2 |
46 | 49 | 208 | 72 | 102 | Stone | 25 | 90000 | 1 |
48 | 59 | 156 | 71 | 97.6 | Shield | 25 | 85000 | 4 |
41 | 41 | 155 | 66 | 98 | Stone | 25 | 75000 | 1 |
54 | 28 | 135 | 69 | 96.8 | Stone | 40 | 108000 | 3 |
23 | 30 | 188 | 65 | 97 | Stone | 20 | 90000 | 1 |
15 | 56 | 134 | 65 | 99.9 | Shield | 25 | 65000 | 5 |
29 | 45 | 175 | 69 | 98.2 | Stone | 30 | 80000 | 4 |
31 | 24 | 123 | 60 | 98 | Stone | 20 | 50000 | 3 |
77 | 21 | 200 | 72 | 99 | Shield | 50 | 50000 | 2 |
31 | 40 | 135 | 59 | 103.1 | Stone | 50 | 70000 | 4 |
80 | 23 | 130 | 58 | 102 | PPPlan | 20 | 85000 | 2 |
9 | 42 | 190 | 67 | 98 | No Insurance | 125 | 60000 | 4 |