Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In this assignment, you will create the physical database from your design created in Project 2. - EssayAbode

In this assignment, you will create the physical database from your design created in Project 2.

In this assignment, you will create the physical database from your design created in Project 2.

Project 2 was a logical model of the Mom & Pop database. We need to transition the logical

model into a physical implementation. As noted in the course content, a physical implementation

(or sometimes known as a physical model) is the database created on a system that we (or the

users) will use. To this end, we use SQL to create the database.

SQL is standard between many relational database types and is a part of Oracle, as noted in our

readings this week. Also, SQL had a few different ‘subsets’ of language commands, which includes

Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML), as two of the primary

SQL language subsets (there are a few other language subsets).

To create the database in a database tool like Oracle, we use SQL’s Data Definition Language

(DDL), which allows us to tell the database how the tables (entities) and the associated fields

within the tables (attributes) are described.


For your logical database model created in Project 2, create the SQL DDL commands that will be

submitted to Oracle. Oracle will create the data structures to hold your data.

EXAMPLE: From our reading – Creating a table

• Describe the layout of each table in the database.

• Use CREATE TABLE command.

• TABLE is followed by the table name.

• Follow this with the names and data types of the columns in the table.

• Data types define type and size of data.

• Table and column name restrictions.

• Names cannot exceed 30 characters.

• Must start with a letter.

• Can contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_)

• Cannot contain spaces.

Figure 1: Create table REP using DDL

Consider a look at the course content this week. In addition, this resource may be helpful:

• Introduction to Oracle CREATE TABLE: basics/oracle-create-table/

If an error is encountered or you wish to re-create the table, you will first need to DROP the

existing table. Dropping a table is done when:

• Correcting errors by dropping (deleting) a table and starting over.

• Useful when a table is created before errors are discovered.

• Command is followed by the table to be dropped and a semicolon.

• Any data in table also deleted.

Be sure to SAVE your work. Saving your work with a .sql extension will:

• Allow you to use commands again without retyping.

• Save commands in a script file or script – Text file with .sql extension.


Following the creation of the database structure (the tables and fields) using DDL, we’ll need to

load data into the structures (e.g., populate data into the tables). Populating the Mom and Pop

Video Store database is done by Data Manipulation Language (DML) SQL commands.

As an example, let’s create a table not related to our project. We will use INSERT to add the first

few records to it. The example code below will create a table named users that has 5 columns.

We’ll have an id column that will be the PRIMARY KEY (the column that will always have unique

values and allow us to uniquely identify a row), and then the name, age, state, and email columns.

The SQL DDL is:


age INTEGER, state TEXT, email TEXT);

Load data into the ‘users’ table by using the SQL DML INSERT command. We will add the user Paul

with an id of 1 , an age of 24, from the state of Michigan, and with an email address of

[email protected] using the query below:


VALUES (1, “Paul”, 24, “Michigan”, “[email protected]”);

The result will look like the following:

id(PK) name age state email

1 Paul 24 Michigan [email protected]

Add a few more records using the INSERT command:

INSERT INTO users (name, state)

VALUES (“Molly”, “New Jersey”);

INSERT INTO users (name, state,

age) VALUES (“Robert”, “New York”,


In this case the first value is assigned to the first mentioned column, so “Molly” is assigned to the

name column, and “New Jersey” to the state column. Then for the other record, the column name

is given the value of “Robert”, the column state gets “New York”, the column age is assigned 19.

As noted above, the process of creating the database structure by using DDL followed by using the

DML Insert command will be similar to creating the database structure and loading data from

Project 2.

In addition, this resource may be helpful:

• Oracle Insert Table:


Using SQL, we can interact with the database by writing queries. Queries are a part of SQL. Here’s

what an example query looks like, using the SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM customers;

Using this SELECT statement, the query selects all the data from all the columns in the customer’s

table and returns data like so:

Figure 2: Customers table used for query examples

The asterisk wildcard character (*) refers to “all” and selects all the rows and columns. We can

replace it with specific column names instead — here only those columns will be returned by the


SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM customers;

Adding a WHERE clause allows you to filter what gets returned:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age >= 30 ORDER BY age ASC;

This query returns all data from the products table with an age value of greater than 30. The use

of ORDER BY keyword just means the results will be ordered using the age column from the

lowest value to the highest. Of course, this brief (and limited) example is explained in greater

detail in the course content.

Assignment Requirements:

1. Step One: Create Oracle database tables using SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) for

each table listed in the metadata of Project 2.

a. You may need to use a combination of DROP TABLE, CREATE TABLE, and ALTER

TABLE SQL statements.

b. Make sure that entity and referential integrity are enforced by declaring a

primary key for each table (these may be composite keys) and declaring all

appropriate foreign keys.

c. Your CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements (if desired) must show integrity

constraints, as appropriate, for NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY,

REFERENCES, and CHECK constraints.

d. Be sure to save your SQL script file used to create these tables with a .sql


e. You should rerun and test your SQL script file until it runs without any errors (this

is why you’ll want to include DROP TABLE statements in another script).

2. Step Two: Populate each of your tables with at least five valid rows of data each and

show the SQL INSERT statements as you executed them. Populate other tables in your

database, as necessary, to satisfy referential integrity. Save your SQL script file. You

should test and rerun your SQL script file until it runs without any errors.

3. Step Three: Develop an SQL script file to perform the following FIVE queries and updates.

a. Use (Oracle’s) SQL Developer to create and test the SQL file.

b. You will find an Oracle database and Oracle’s SQL Developer in the virtual Lab


c. You should test your SQL script file until it runs without any errors.

d. Queries to include the following FIVE queries:

1) Retrieve all of your customers’ names, account numbers, and

addresses (street and zip code only), sorted by account number.

2) Retrieve all of the videos rented in the last 30 days and sort in

chronological rental date order.

3) Produce a list of your distributors and all their information sorted in order by

company name.

4) Update a customer name to change their maiden name to a married

name. You can choose which row to update. Make sure that you use the

primary key column in your WHERE clause to affect only a specific row.

You may want to include a ROLLBACK statement to undo your data


5) Delete a customer from the database. You can choose which row to

delete. Make sure that you use the primary key column in your WHERE

clause to affect only a specific row. You may want to include a ROLLBACK

statement to undo your data deletion.

What to Submit for Grading?

1. You may have completed this assignment by creating multiple smaller scripts instead of a

single large script. Submit all scripts (*.sql) and name them in such a way that it shows

the order that the scripts should be run in.

2. Name each file with your last name, followed by the ordering. For example:


3. Include the script that un-does or drops work done in the prior script. Name it

accordingly. For example: Smith_Part_A_Drop.sql.

4. Include screenshots of each query execution including the result set in the screenshots.


I have tried to attach the previous file that was done by writedn refer to that file because the file relate to on another.

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