18 Mar The Unseen Realm of the Supernatural
The Unseen Realm of the Supernatural
The spiritual world is a reality, a reality that our rationalistic-materialistic worldview has by and large ignored to our own peril. As one of the characters in the film The Usual Suspects stated, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” By ignoring this reality, we go into battle without armor. The video lecture on “The Divine Council” lifts the curtain and gives us an introductory peek at this larger vision of reality.
In 1,000–1,200 words, answer the below questions in a Microsoft Word document:
How does the material presented in the lecture “The Divine Council” challenge and/or change your understanding of the unseen spiritual reality angels, spirits, ghosts, demons, and the like.
What difference does the awareness of this reality make in your life?
Your academic essay needs to be supported by academic resources and show competency in argument, understanding, and cohesiveness.
Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document. Utilize at least five sources from professional and academic literature in your research. Professional and academic literature may include peer-reviewed journals from the South University Online Library, relevant textbooks, and professional and academic books or monographs published by established academic and professional publishers. Interaction with relevant biblical texts is expected.
Submission Details:
In 1,000 to 1,200 words, write your response in a Microsoft Word document.