Chat with us, powered by LiveChat All That Glitter Jewelry is considering an expansion of the company website to sell more merchandise. - EssayAbode

All That Glitter Jewelry is considering an expansion of the company website to sell more merchandise.

this assignment will address CO1: Create communication documents using assigned software applications.


The scenario:



All That Glitter Jewelry is considering an expansion of the company website to sell more merchandise. Wanda Delana, the US Sales Director, has asked you to complete a business letter for a proposal.


For this assignment, you will need the following files:



New blank Word document


You will save your files as:






Create a memo in Microsoft Word® (preferably)

From: All That Glitter Jewelry


12589 Crystalline Lane


Paris, Texas 78956


Address the memo to Michael Cavern, President, 53300 Francis Street, Wilmar, Delaware 45678

Add the current date

Subject: Web site expansion

Add the following content (cut and paste this content):

The All That Glitter Jewelry Web site has been more successful than we originally anticipated. We had planned to expand the Web site late next year; however, considering the success we have seen, we would like to move up the expansion date.


The following worksheet and chart highlight the projected sales data for the first four quarters that the expanded Web site is in operation:


Create a table with the following information:


All That Glitter Jewelry


Projected Web Site Sales



Quarter Low End Sales Expected Sales High End Sales


First Quarter 3500 12500 17500


Second Quarter 15000 21000 19000


Third Quarter 13750 16750 23750


Fourth Quarter 10000 25000 35000






Add formulas to calculate totals of each column in the table.

Create a 3-D Cluster Chart containing the data in the chart (graph)- see the video in the Week 1 Lesson, Reading and Resources area. Add chart title and the legend information as written in the table (without the total row).

Upload the completed assignment files in the Assignment area.



Special Instructions: Use the Supporting Materials provided in the Week 1 Lesson, Reading and Resources area as illustrated below to complete the project.

Grading: Please review the rubrics for particulars.

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